Hi upasanagovind, I had posted all the positive news of last week at the end of Sunday because I follow the week From Monday to Sunday. And we have already had a number of DMs on Monday but the week isn't over yet so you can find out on Sunday. Anyways, it is as below
Wednesday, Jan 1
DM- Roam (Feb 14), harpreets (Apr 29), yogisaman (Mar 6), sufi007 (May 13), sicilian85's friend (May 9, IP Nov 8 )
Thursday, Jan 2
PP returned- harpreets, roam
Friday, Jan3
DM- Waitinforeva (May 16), guddi (Mar 11)
PP returned- sufi007
Saturday, Jan 4
PP returned- Waitinforeva
Sunday, Jan 5
DM- JakkasJogi (May 14), swmi77 (July 2012), Canadian86 (May 15), catchejal (May 9), vstar (may 13), harinder1827 (Apr)
Interview-satrup (Mar27)