Mumble, I finally decided to log onto this site and read what is happening with everyone. The past couple of weeks I didn't want to even come to this site, because I didn't even want to think of this visa process and the trauma and headache it is causing all of us.
I'm beginning to get more and more angry with this system. No wonder people opt to get in to the country illegally !
They just give the legitimate people like us such a hard time .... and Mumble, this is not going to be the 1st time you are going to bang your head against a wall when dealing with stuff in Canada

I don't understand how holding on to a non criminal person's passport for 4 months, for an undefined period, with NO details disclosed as to WHAT they are doing with the passport for such a long time, in a Democracy is even legal! And at the end of the day, after depriving the individual of his freedom rights, there is NO guarantee of even getting a Visa.
Try doing this with a Canadian's or American's passport !!
At the end of the day, they treat us like criminals until they decide for some reason we are not.
I'm not even sure if all this is even worth it anymore ....