Wanted to let you all know that my husband's visa arrived yesterday

After 18 months of waiting, finally it happeend.
Visa came exactly after 2 months of them receving our remedical.
In our case background check took one year. Everything else was done last april. We also had to get passport renewed in the middle. They kept my husbands passport for a year!!
Its a good feeling and hard to believe yet! I wish you all who are waitingg a speedy visa! All is well that ends well.. Just wish that your visa comes and the wait will be worth it.
I stopped replyng and posting after a few months of being on the forum as my file was on hld for so long nevertheless it gave me support in its own way. Its a hard journey but worth the wat.
Wishing you all good luckk and patience . May u all get the visa soooon!!!