UDATED:_OCT. 9 /2013___________________________________________
1.) nn1707....... november 2012 applicant and medicals expired in june 2013
2.) aks.asr1.. Dec..... 2012.... applicant... Medial expires on November 2013..
- Also received GCMS notes: security check is pending and rest is completed
3.) Reeyan -....-.... Oct ......2012 .....applicant..Medical expired End of September 2013
4.) n4dpatel -Oct...2012 ..applicant/ medical expired sept 13 2013/ NO PPR
5.) Sep.24.12 - Sept....... 2012 ....applicant
6.) June 479 - May -2012-applicant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DECISION MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7.) Gurinder sangha -?
8.) tahsinmohammad - June.... 2012... applicant
9.) PC0827......... - Nov. ...2012....... applicant..Med done OCT 2012..PPR March 2013...
10.) waitingsince2004 - April..... 2012 .....applicant...PPR Aug 2012....Interview Done:Oct. 2012 PASSED IN JAN.
waiitng for VISA
11.) Patientlywaiting1234 - May .....2012 ....applicant Meds expired March 2013
12) jsandy - Sept.... 2012.... applicant... PP sent Dec. 2012... INTERVIEW DATE ( OCT 22, 2013)
13.) sallyander - Dec....... 2012... applicant
14.) navdeep mmu -. Oct. .applicant...PPR in March 2013.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DECISION MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15.) isha1267 - ...Dec........ 2012 applicant
16.) ramanjagde - Oct. 2012 applicant
17.) dkailey- .....Aug 2012 applicant.. Had Interview done.
18.) sumitihm... ?
19.) hot90 - Dec. 2012... applicant
20.) getcanadavisa - April 2012.... applicant
21.) help_ca ... Sept. 2012.... applicant ; Med Expired March-15 2013; PP with NVDO Feb-05-2013 --NVDO
.... INTERVIEW DATE (Nov-18-2013)
22.) Jely ....Aug. 2012....applicant
23.) waiting1234 ..?
24.) user828 .....Dec. 2012...... applicant
25.) Falcon123 - Sept 2012 applicant - Passport with NDVO since Nov 2012 - Medicals expired in July 2013
26.) baba1234........... Oct 2012 applicant, medical and PCC done September 2012,PPR March 2013.