screech339 said:
Off the cuff comments tends to show their true thoughts or true colours. So it is scary that trudeau actually admired DICTATORSHIP that everyone seems to claim harper to be.
I'm trying to figure out how this is scary. Is it because . . .
. . . if the Liberals win the election, Trudeau will jail the politicians of other parties and rule forever as a dictator? That seems unlikely.
. . . Trudeau will build vast concrete cities on the Prairies and force the rural peasants to inhabit them? I find it hard to imagine that passing the Senate.
. . . Trudeau will offer subsidies and support to Green industries? I'm OK with that.
. . . Trudeau will violently suppress the radical separatists of Western Canada? As an Alberta resident I understand the impulse, but I'm suspicious of his determination to follow through.
. . . Trudeau will drape the Parliament in red (aha!) and stand in a vast hall of cheering Party aparatchiks as he announces a technical modification of the Canadian Tax Code? I guess I don't have an opinion on this.
I guess an off-the-cuff remark is more dire than Harper's five day tour of China, spent hugging pandas and praising the CPC's (Holy Moses, I just noticed the most astonishing coincidence!) economic program.