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Needs suggestions for chances of getting a visa


Star Member
Sep 19, 2017
Now, THAT is a serious exaggeration.

Matters are bad enough in the Pakistan visa application scene. I guess it has more to with applicants who either do not present their ties well or applicants' who are not genuine visitors (and who intend to claim asylum when they arrive at the POE..... visa officers are trained to spot these cases).

My personal request:
Please do not discourage or make other applicants on this forum to feel low, lost-hope-cases-before-they-even-apply or like they have zero chances in getting TRVs. Even if someone's application is weak, but if s/he is a genuine visitor, we try to help them by suggesting ways to prepare stronger applications.

I had mentioned to you that your own TRV application lacked quite a few documents + you had submitted outdated financial documents.... in a way, it's not surprising why you were refused. Sorry about that. So let's not shift the entire blame on the visa office for your personal situation.

When I first started advising people on this forum, I realized that people are looking for a few kind words of reassurance even if they know that they don't have a hope in hell. It makes them feel good even if it is for a fleeting second. Again, my request to you is please do not break someone's confidence. Thanks so much
Dear Bryanna,

First of all there is no exaggeration. I respect your expert opinion but sorry to say you aren’t a visa officer here to asses the visa application and neither belong from IRCC, whatever you advise here is solely based upon your own expert opinion and experience but here we also can’t deny the unfair circumstances on Visa policy. I am sorry Bryanna, you never been to such embarrassing situation that’s why you don’t have any idea how does it feel. For your kind information on those same documents I got visas for UK, USA , Schengen and other countries include Hong Kong and Singapore. I presented all those documents which are very much convincing and according to the visa application system requirement. The online application website also says that if we require any additional documents we may request and ask you about that and if we want to interview we may let you know about this also. But unfortunately that wasn’t case, the rejection was solely a decision based on an individual who is bound to refuse application without considering anything. If I am not interested in the case and not in a mood to grant visa then regardless whatever evidence or documents you present I will refuse your application. Giving example of 2 successful applicants won’t change or give any hope to those applicants who got rejected. If someone doesn’t intend to give you anything and fully determined on his decision then no matter whatever you present to him he will never be convinced. If IRCC requires the bunch of documents then why shouldn’t they issue some guidance notes and complete document list for third world countries to obtain that desired satisfaction ? I have seen far more powerful case then mine who got refused last week.

Few years back UK also had the same visa policy for Pakistan and they were refusing Pakistani visas without any solid justification, people who had 20 years travel history with the UK and issued 5 years mutiples visas in those past 20 years were also affected and got refused. My own visa was refused in 2015 while I have a history of travelling to UK since 2009 as a visitor and then later in 2010 I got admission in UK and I applied student visa in 2011 which was valid until 2012 but due to some family issues I didn’t finish my course and came back to Pakistan after 6 months, half way of my course. In 2015 I applied again for the visitor visa as I was going to Germany and wanted to meet my family back in UK whom I didn’t met for last 4 years and it was an ideal situation for me. Even at that time I was holding 5 years US visa and Schengen Multiple entry visa but my application got affected and refused because of that strict visa policy. The internet was full of those horror stories. For your reference they all are reputed news agencies and blogs.




After a lot of complains from the applicants over this unfair visa policy and rejection. UK visa published this article and launched a new visa application system also for the Pakistani applicants. For your reference now this is not something based on an individual’s review or own perception. This article and news was published on UK Government Website. The same unfair game was playing outside Pakistan and Pakistani applicants were getting refused brutally without any consideration. But after this article the visa policy became flexible again and UK started to issue visas to Pakistani applicants. I applied again in 2016 and 6 months entry was granted and then later in 2017 I applied again and 5 years multiple entry granted to me on the same documents which I attached with my TRV application.


I really appreciate your act of kindness but giving false hope to others is also unfair. The visa rejections are also solely an individuals review who is bound to orders and doesn’t have any flexibility to consider any positive aspects of the applicants. The officer is just following the orders from higher authorities and implying those orders on all visa applications regardless of their merits. My point is if together we won’t bring or highlight this issue then such inconveniences won’t stop. If someone is not flexible at all what outcome do you expect ? There’s no specific criteria or requirement for obtaining the visa.


Star Member
Aug 30, 2017
Dear Bryanna,

First of all there is no exaggeration. I respect your expert opinion but sorry to say you aren’t a visa officer here to asses the visa application and neither belong from IRCC, whatever you advise here is solely based upon your own expert opinion and experience but here we also can’t deny the unfair circumstances on Visa policy. I am sorry Bryanna, you never been to such embarrassing situation that’s why you don’t have any idea how does it feel. For your kind information on those same documents I got visas for UK, USA , Schengen and other countries include Hong Kong and Singapore. I presented all those documents which are very much convincing and according to the visa application system requirement. The online application website also says that if we require any additional documents we may request and ask you about that and if we want to interview we may let you know about this also. But unfortunately that wasn’t case, the rejection was solely a decision based on an individual who is bound to refuse application without considering anything. If I am not interested in the case and not in a mood to grant visa then regardless whatever evidence or documents you present I will refuse your application. Giving example of 2 successful applicants won’t change or give any hope to those applicants who got rejected. If someone doesn’t intend to give you anything and fully determined on his decision then no matter whatever you present to him he will never be convinced. If IRCC requires the bunch of documents then why shouldn’t they issue some guidance notes and complete document list for third world countries to obtain that desired satisfaction ? I have seen far more powerful case then mine who got refused last week.

Few years back UK also had the same visa policy for Pakistan and they were refusing Pakistani visas without any solid justification, people who had 20 years travel history with the UK and issued 5 years mutiples visas in those past 20 years were also affected and got refused. My own visa was refused in 2015 while I have a history of travelling to UK since 2009 as a visitor and then later in 2010 I got admission in UK and I applied student visa in 2011 which was valid until 2012 but due to some family issues I didn’t finish my course and came back to Pakistan after 6 months, half way of my course. In 2015 I applied again for the visitor visa as I was going to Germany and wanted to meet my family back in UK whom I didn’t met for last 4 years and it was an ideal situation for me. Even at that time I was holding 5 years US visa and Schengen Multiple entry visa but my application got affected and refused because of that strict visa policy. The internet was full of those horror stories. For your reference they all are reputed news agencies and blogs.




After a lot of complains from the applicants over this unfair visa policy and rejection. UK visa published this article and launched a new visa application system also for the Pakistani applicants. For your reference now this is not something based on an individual’s review or own perception. This article and news was published on UK Government Website. The same unfair game was playing outside Pakistan and Pakistani applicants were getting refused brutally without any consideration. But after this article the visa policy became flexible again and UK started to issue visas to Pakistani applicants. I applied again in 2016 and 6 months entry was granted and then later in 2017 I applied again and 5 years multiple entry granted to me on the same documents which I attached with my TRV application.


I really appreciate your act of kindness but giving false hope to others is also unfair. The visa rejections are also solely an individuals review who is bound to orders and doesn’t have any flexibility to consider any positive aspects of the applicants. The officer is just following the orders from higher authorities and implying those orders on all visa applications regardless of their merits. My point is if together we won’t bring or highlight this issue then such inconveniences won’t stop. If someone is not flexible at all what outcome do you expect ? There’s no specific criteria or requirement for obtaining the visa.
I understand your frustration but the reality of the situation also is your country people are regularly breaking the terms of their visa. They find ways to create perfect applications then second they get to Canada claim refugee status or look for work.

As long as this continues it will get harder and harder for your country people to get visas as the VO knows he can’t trust the documents and would rather reject good applications due to the bad. What is Canada to do in this situation? You should blame the abusers of the system not Canada for protecting its borders.

You should get just as frustrated as me this issue is making it very difficult for all visitors to get visas to countries like Canada and USA. I was happy I was able to convince the Canadian VO my Ukrainian wife is a genuine visitor and they gave her a visa but we are still leaving her daughter behind to help prove she will come back and a USA visa is still a pipe dream. If people didn’t abuse these visas we wouldn’t have to worry about being able to visit places like Canada and USA and just spend our energy planning.
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Star Member
Sep 19, 2017
I understand your frustration but the reality of the situation also is your country people are regularly breaking the terms of their visa. They find ways to create perfect applications then second they get to Canada claim refugee status or look for work.

As long as this continues it will get harder and harder for your country people to get visas as the VO knows he can’t trust the documents and would rather reject good applications due to the bad. What is Canada to do in this situation? You should blame the abusers of the system not Canada for protecting its borders.

You should get just as frustrated as me this issue is making it very difficult for all visitors to get visas to countries like Canada and USA. I was happy I was able to convince the Canadian VO my Ukrainian wife is a genuine visitor and they gave her a visa but we are still leaving her daughter behind to help prove she will come back and a USA visa is still a pipe dream. If people didn’t abuse these visas we wouldn’t have to worry about being able to visit places like Canada and USA and just spend our energy planning.
I am not frustrated at all. I just gave the detailed reply to Bryanna for her own assumptions. Do anyone of you have a proper statistics or any official statement or press released by IRCC or any other official Government body of Canada, where it says that Pakistani citizens are the top one who is breaching Canadian Immigration laws and breaching their border protection ? Every country have a right to protect their border and every visa application has its own merits. Mostly the ones who have valid multiple visas of UK, USA and Schengen countries has no intention to breach the Visa condition for any other country also includes the Canada. The assumptions are right about the first time travellers applicant who have no travel history and applying Canadian TRV without any serious purpose but the one who have more than 15 years travel history got refused on silly grounds despite having such a good immigration history will definitely annoy that person.

The one who are breaching the applications are not from Pakistan. There are so many other countries and Canada itself welcomes the refugees and provide them asylums. So obviously if they are flexible in asylums many non-genuine will seek Canada to claim asylums. You can’t blame the entire country just for some non genuine cases. For your knowledge Asians are the one who work harder in those countries , give high taxes and develop those countries. Doctors , engineers , scientists , bankers and many professionals are migrated from Asian countries. Canada itself opened many opportunities under the skilled migration program because they need skilled people in their country.

The TRV rejections have nothing to do originally with the Canada border protectors and immigrations. The high refusal rate is because of something else , it’s because our TRV are processing in Abu Dhabi and the one who are scrutinising Pakistani applicants applications are not even Canadians. The Canadian consulate appointed many officers from different nationalities and they are more precise and strict about it to show their efficiencies to the High Commissions. Canada have so many other serious business and issues to deal with and if someone bring and highlight this issue in their knowledge then definitely things will be better than now and which will improvise the future visa applications.


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014

First of all there is no exaggeration.
You stated in your previous post that a Pakistani applicant will be refused a TRV if s/he misses a punctuation. Now isn't that an exaggeration? Or have you've seen the GCMS notes of someone who was specifically refused ONLY for missing a punctuation?

I respect your expert opinion but sorry to say you aren’t a visa officer here to asses the visa application and neither belong from IRCC, whatever you advise here is solely based upon your own expert opinion and experience but here we also can’t deny the unfair circumstances on Visa policy.
No, I'm not a visa officer nor do I work with IRCC. But, then neither are you nor is anyone else on this forum.

For your kind information on those same documents I got visas for UK, USA , Schengen and other countries include Hong Kong and Singapore. I presented all those documents which are very much convincing and according to the visa application system requirement.
It does not matter how many visas someone has for other countries. If IRCC believes that someone is not eligible for a visa/TRV then so be it.

Being granted a visa is a privilege. It is not a right. No applicant will be granted a visa by coercive means or by demanding a visa (for any country).

The online application website also says that if we require any additional documents we may request and ask you about that and if we want to interview we may let you know about this also.
It's IRCC's prerogative whether or not to interview an applicant. Canada's visa process is different from the US.

But unfortunately that wasn’t case, the rejection was solely a decision based on an individual who is bound to refuse application without considering anything. If I am not interested in the case and not in a mood to grant visa then regardless whatever evidence or documents you present I will refuse your application.
Just curious to know how do you know whether or not the visa officer scrutinized your documents or not? You did not get a TRV decision in a matter of minutes/seconds after applying, right?

If IRCC requires the bunch of documents then why shouldn’t they issue some guidance notes and complete document list for third world countries to obtain that desired satisfaction ?
Why should *IRCC provide guidance notes and complete list for third world countries to obtain that desired satisfaction*? Wouldn't this help applicants who are not genuine visa seekers or those who are likely to commit immigration frauds to fine tune their applications to deceive IRCC?

Nonetheless, IRCC has provided a suggested/guide set of documents for each country. It seems like you missed seeing these documents on the IRCC website.

Few years back UK also had the same visa policy for Pakistan and they were refusing Pakistani visas without any solid justification, people who had 20 years travel history with the UK and issued 5 years mutiples visas in those past 20 years were also affected and got refused.
I have lived and worked in the UK. I own a UK-based company that's actively trading in the UK and into continental Europe. I have seen numerous cases of overstayers/visa violations/immigration frauds committed by persons from the Indian sub-continent (it won't help to name any one country).

In fact, the UK Home Office had even contemplated introducing a refundable cash bond of £3,000 to deter visitors from "high-risk" countries, including India and Pakistan, from violating visa conditions.

After a lot of complains from the applicants over this unfair visa policy and rejection. UK visa published this article and launched a new visa application system also for the Pakistani applicants. For your reference now this is not something based on an individual’s review or own perception.
UK and Canada are two different countries with different visa assessment criteria and visa processes.

Contrary to your statement of visas being processed based on "an individual's review and perception"..... and to the best of general knowledge.... a visa officer scrutinizes evidence and documents.... s/he does not deny visas because the coffee was cold, or the weather was dreary, or s/he had a bad dream.... nor does s/he perceive matters. There are clear-cut rules and guidelines.

I really appreciate your act of kindness but giving false hope to others is also unfair.
I don't give false hopes to anyone. More importantly, I don't break someone's confidence nor do I discourage him/her.

You've been raving and ranting for days on end about the perceived unfairness of IRCC in refusing your TRV application. Apparently you have made no efforts to understand why you were refused..... unfortunately, you do not want to accept that your application lacked critical documents and that's why you were refused.

You have been multiple posting the single article published by 'The News' every time a Pakistani applicant has been asking for advice or help on this forum. If you were refused a TRV, it does not mean every other Pakistani forum member will be refused. You only have to read the responses to realize that you are shattering their hopes and breaking their confidence. This is not nice.

The article by 'The News' does not have any facts or figures or statistics to back its claims.... this only diminishes the credibility of the report.

Also, making disparaging and unkindly remarks against IRCC and its visa officers.... and/or trying to mobilize other Pakistani applicants/creating a propaganda against IRCC won't work if your objective is 'is if together we won’t bring or highlight this issue then such inconveniences won’t stop'


Star Member
Sep 19, 2017
See now are you getting aggressive and trying to defend your point and missing the core points. You are addicted about the respect and honour and if someone speaks against your opinion you become aggressive. You are keep imposing your own perception and aggression on me and highlighting me. You don’t live in Pakistan so although you don’t have much knowledge and awareness about the country. I know my country and I know my country people. And excuse me I am not raving and ranting anyone and neither I gave any derogatory remarks to IRCC so please don’t mislead the conversation. I also don’t break or hurt anyone’s feeling but I also can’t be dishonest to anyone. I am just sharing this article because they should be aware that it’s not a surprise or it’s not the end of world, there are many applicants who are getting refused these days. So they should relax and chill and prepare their next visa application more precisely to avoid any inconveniences but again I request you that don’t impose your own opinion and thoughts on me. I respect you that you are senior member and you have lots of experience but please try to listen to others and start embracing the fact you are not always be right or you are not the one who have the best knowledge. From your experience and knowledge we have to learn a lot from you and you are a wonderful human being who spare her time and try to help and encourage people, boast their confidence but also understand that you aren’t above or beneath any individual just because you have experience and knowledge. So please stop taking things so personal. Relax and finish the argument.


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
Your post is the typical strategy of someone who indulges in a personal attack because s/he cannot respond point-by-point with facts instead of resorting to continuous baseless rhetoric, unproven anecdotes, unfounded imagination of an "unfair strict visa policy" and perceived ideas of why TRVs are being refused.

Sorry to disappoint you. I'm way beyond such pettiness. Your derogatory post is not worthy of a dignified reply. I will not condescend to your level.

I reiterate (in case you're able to take this is in the right spirit):
Please stop breaking the confidence of your own Pakistani folks. I truly empathize with Pakistani TRV applicants.

The last thing the Pakistani applicants on this forum need is someone discouraging them from applying for a TRV.... or someone predicting (without a crystal ball, of course) that those who have applied will never get a TRV

Good luck!!!
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Star Member
Sep 19, 2017
I didn’t feel or attacked, it’s you who are getting personal and feeling challenged. It’s an open forum where we all have a right to discuss and share our opinions and the core motive is to help others and give awareness about the circumstances either positive or negative. We aren’t here to fight or to point out our ranks and levels. One should can’t close his/her eyes from the facts and figures. Whatever I replied , I copied it from authentic sources and whatever I shared here it’s not my personal review either. Based upon the maximum knowledge which I gathered from the social media, I posted here honestly point by point.

I never had any intention to discourage anyone for the TRV. I think you didn’t read my post clearly , I clearly mentioned that every visa application has its own merits and these days TRV is very much strict for Pakistani applicants due to the past breaches and they are scrutinising every application so precisely that not even considering a common mistake. To give the example of a puncation is to give the reference about the scrutiny. It’s their right to check each and every thing but also consider that everyone is not similar.


Hero Member
Mar 30, 2017
Job Offer........
Haseebali , i am from pakistan karachi and was granted visa for 5 yrs multiple in may for my whole family and purpose of visit was tourism .. all we need is to put our application right way .my application took 2 plus months but some of my friends who are single were granted visa within 3 weeks ..
This platform helps people to make things right way getting visa is something no one can guarantee
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Star Member
Sep 19, 2017
Haseebali , i am from pakistan karachi and was granted visa for 5 yrs multiple in may for my whole family and purpose of visit was tourism .. all we need is to put our application right way .my application took 2 plus months but some of my friends who are single were granted visa within 3 weeks ..
This platform helps people to make things right way getting visa is something no one can guarantee
Congratulations. Yes many people granted the visa early this year, many friends of mine got their TRV by the beginning and mid of this year. Their passport were kept for the good 2-3 months and later visas were granted. But now I believe that the Visa policy is bit more tight and scrutinised for the Pakistani applicants and also seniors members acknowledged that there is lots of Visa breaching from our region (sub-continent), for which they haven’t provided any authentic proof but this can be one of the condition and assumption, also considered while approving or rejecting the visa application. God knows better.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2018
I am Non Canadian but my daughter was born in canada when i came in 2003 as refugee claimant. Then after refusal of asylum I returned to my country in 2005. i gave birth to my daughter in canada and took her back with me to my country.

I am a working sigle parent now, financially strong and have visited 13 countries in past 8 years including USA and UK. My TRV for canada was refused in 2018 due to weak application as i didnot showcase strong ties with home land while i applied online without proper paperwork :( .
Now my 18 years old daughter is in Canada and staying with my friend to complete her high school. i support her financially and have rest of my family with me. i want to meet my daughter in December and My question is that can i apply TRV to meet her?


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
I am Non Canadian but my daughter was born in canada when i came in 2003 as refugee claimant. Then after refusal of asylum I returned to my country in 2005. i gave birth to my daughter in canada and took her back with me to my country.

I am a working sigle parent now, financially strong and have visited 13 countries in past 8 years including USA and UK. My TRV for canada was refused in 2018 due to weak application as i didnot showcase strong ties with home land while i applied online without proper paperwork :( .
Now my 18 years old daughter is in Canada and staying with my friend to complete her high school. i support her financially and have rest of my family with me. i want to meet my daughter in December and My question is that can i apply TRV to meet her?
You can certainly reapply however approval is of course not a given. If you are a failed refugee claimant, you will need to go through the ARC process as part of your TRV application in order to be approved. You will need to show very strong ties to your home country. The fact your daughter is currently in Canada may in fact work against you since this will be seen as a tie to Canada.

However you can certainly try applying and see what happens. Good luck.
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Full Member
Jul 14, 2018
You can certainly reapply however approval is of course not a given. If you are a failed refugee claimant, you will need to go through the ARC process as part of your TRV application in order to be approved. You will need to show very strong ties to your home country. The fact your daughter is currently in Canada may in fact work against you since this will be seen as a tie to Canada.

However you can certainly try applying and see what happens. Good luck.
Can u please guide me abt ARC process? Is it mandatory for me to follow ARC for TRV. I left Canada voluntarily and was not deported.


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
Can u please guide me abt ARC process? Is it mandatory for me to follow ARC for TRV. I left Canada voluntarily and was not deported.
If you have a failed refugee claim, then yes, you will need to go through the ARC process and it is mandatory. It doesn't matter that you left voluntarily. This is because you were the subject of a removal order once your refugee claim was refused.

The ARC will be automatically processed as part of your TRV application if IRCC plans to approve the TRV. You do not apply for the ARC separately - you still just apply for a TRV. The ARC process will add a few months of processing time onto the TRV application and you will also need to pay an additional fee (I believe that's $400).

You can find information about the ARC process here:

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Full Member
Jul 14, 2018
If you have a failed refugee claim, then yes, you will need to go through the ARC process and it is mandatory. It doesn't matter that you left voluntarily. This is because you were the subject of a removal order once your refugee claim was refused.

The ARC will be automatically processed as part of your TRV application if IRCC plans to approve the TRV. You do not apply for the ARC separately - you still just apply for a TRV. The ARC process will add a few months of processing time onto the TRV application and you will also need to pay an additional fee (I believe that's $400).

You can find information about the ARC process here:
