I think our friend here sep55 has gone to look for his Golden Canadian goose, after all he is desperate and he mentioned that more than once. Keep us posted sep55

Jokes aside
Its not easy because the fun begins right after IO knows you came to Canada on visitors visa and decided to get married. It will take a long time, how long no one really knows but every case is different and they will scrutinize every detail of your life. Think of it this way, its like an x-ray of your life, quite possibly they'll make you feel like you are a worthless, they'll possibly make fun of your situation, make sarcastic comments, they'll make you wait, have at least 5 different interviews(spaced out possibly over 4 to 5 years) with you and the person you decide to marry separately, they'll ask every single detail, and if your stories don't match to the dot forget about it, they will hold that reason against you for the rest of the case.
And to be very honest I dont think any one in this forum would want to help you knowing you'll be marrying someone for the sake of getting PR the fastest way. A lot of us were "non-Canadians" at some point in our lives and we all have gone through some desperate situation ourselves. Some have gone through many, so think about what you are going to do and why you want to do it.