saki said:
The full fees will be refunded and it is recommend to pay only $550 at first stage and when they ask you for your passport then you can pay the remaining fees. In any case you will get you fees back if your application is refused unless you want to withdraw it.
Its always better to have consultant because they know more than you and if you dont have any problem with the money then definetly hire a consultant. People also submit by themselves but i have seen applications been sent back because they were completed wrongly or some information was missing which is just a loss of time.
Don't miss lead people on matters that you are not sure. Fees will be refunded only if application is refused at first stage, i.e, NOC or jobs duties etc issues. If application processed at Local Visa office, NO ANY fees will be refunded unless RPRF only.
Quote from CIC website:
If you applied before February 27, 2008, the date the changes to the immigration law took effect, your application will be processed. You will not get a refund unless you choose to withdraw your application before it is processed.
If you applied on or after February 27, 2008, and your application is not eligible for processing, you will get a full refund. If your application is processed and it is refused, you will not get a refund."
Consultant don't do any thing other than just filling up forms, just for filling up forms you are recommending a new member for pay $$$$?
Sorry buddy, does not mean to offend you but this forum is for volunteer people who help each other. Hundred or people learn from here and got visas with no consultant. Hope you understand what I mean. Thanks in advance.