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My FSW application turns 8 year old today


Hero Member
Jun 13, 2010
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1111 and 0111
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App. Filed.......
Aug 2004
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
sep 2004
File Transfer...
noon said:
Hi drsaini,
Thanks for showing concern. For pre feb cases, they ask updates just before medicals and return the originals along with medicals.But due to MI my files was pushed back. If the file is active and not closed they need the documents for background check with educational institutions and employers. New delhi VO does background check before medicals and they combine passport request and medical together.So I cant decide on this.But I feel the end of waiting is so near whether it is positive or negative.

To noon,

How we wll get the information that my file is active??
As last month they asked again for:

1. Bank Statement.
2. Police certificate.
3. Updated forms.


Hero Member
Mar 9, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
november 2006
File Transfer...
I think it is waived
To crosstantine,

Some people applied long ago before year 0001 of Canadian immigration, and they waited because it was the procedure. Those people even includes many 29 demand occupation people.They required to score more in IELTS(7,7,7,7) than what it is required now (7.5,6.5,6.5,6.5). I appeared 2 times for IELTS to get the required score at that time. Most of them updated their documents and were told to wait again by CHC. They kept on increasing timelines and will not respond to queries if your file is within the time line. For New delhi the time line is 95 months. They never showed the time line of M1 2 and 3 .

Like you, me too wanted my kid to grow in a place where he can meet with the cultures from all over the world and imbibe the good things from them.

My kid and wife ask me to forget it..... but.............

how can I forget the pleasant moments I spent with my application.?

how can I forget how carefully I wiped out 2-3 raindrops which fell on my application from far above the skies because it was rainy season in India and I cursed the rain for troubling my application like that..

how can I forget the 2 minutes when I held my application close to my heart and the dreams we saw together before its departure to Newdelhi ?

how can I forget those wonderful dreams which no body else except this poor paper bundle can give for 8 long years ?

dreams are beautiful than realities....Isn,t it?

Hi noman,

After updation request did you get a "Ooops letter" from CHC telling you "Oh, it was a mistake and please do not do updation"? If not I think your file may be active. There are around 4134 pre feb files which are active in London as per CAIPS.

If processing is started for those active files and for some reason visa is denied then those files are not eligible for refund.


Hero Member
Mar 9, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
november 2006
File Transfer...
I think it is waived
Hi noman,

You must also be aware about how your file will be processed if it is not closed

10.3. Substituted evaluation
R76(3) makes possible substituted evaluation by an officer. This authority may be used if an
officer believes the point total is not a sufficient indicator of whether or not the applicant may
become economically established in Canada.
Substituted evaluation is to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The scope of what an officer
might consider as relevant cannot be limited by a prescribed list of factors to be used in support of
exercising substituted evaluation. There are any number and combination of considerations that
an officer might cite as being pertinent to assessing, as per the wording of R76(3): “. . . the
likelihood of the ability of the skilled worker to become economically established in Canada. . . .”
Frequency of use will vary from visa office to visa office, as some will find in their caseloads more
situations of disconnect between the point total and establishment prospects than will others. The
fact that the applicant “almost attained” a pass mark is not, in itself, grounds to recommend the
use of substituted evaluation. Rather, the officer needs to identify and document the facts
demonstrating that the points awarded are not a sufficient indicator of the applicant's ability to
become economically established in Canada.
For legal clarity, officers should employ the terms used in legislation, such as “substituted
evaluation” or “ability to become economically established.”


Hero Member
Mar 9, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
november 2006
File Transfer...
I think it is waived
I tell my school going son to get up early in the morning, go to bus stop at least 10 minutes early and prepare for exams well before the exam date and it will help you to succeed in life.

If he asks me, are you sure papa? You applied for Canadian immigration very very early.............

how can I answer this question?


Hero Member
Mar 9, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
november 2006
File Transfer...
I think it is waived
Some events in chronological order

2003 june: noon plans to immigrate to a developed country for better future .
noon selects Australia because of better climate.

2003 july : noon sends copies of educational documents to Australian Dental Council for credential evaluation.

2003 nov: noon passes ADC (Australian Dental Council) credential evaluation and got invitation to apply to Australia

2003 dec: noon was asked to postpone the plan to immigrate to Australia by some friends who are already there . They told that was not good time to go there.

2004 jan : Friends suggests noon to apply to Canada. It may take 4-5 years but it is worth as it is a peaceful country.

2004 feb : noon collects feedback about Canada. Noon gets nothing negative.

2004 apr : noon started gathering documents needed to immigrate to Canada.

2004 june: noon goes through application again and again to check for deficiencies

2004 july: noon’s application and DD reaches New delhi and gets AOR

2004 sep: noon’s ecase appears “we started processing………”.
noon’s son plants a small gooseberry seedling.

2005 jan: noon gets offer to work as Dentist from Ministry of Health, Libya. Noon declines it and waited for Canada visa.

2006 dec: noon’s neighbour’s daughter got married to US H1 visa holder and fly to US. Now she is a green card holder.

2008 oct. noon got letter from CIC asking to submit updated documents.

2009 jan : noon’s relative applies for Canadian Immigation. Got refused after 8 months. Later accepted an offer from Middle East and settled there.

2010 june : noons friend who passed out of Dental college in 2008 apply for Canada Immigration and reaches Canada in 2011 and started the process of licensing.

2012 july: noons application turns 8 year old. Gooseberry plant grew to a tree. And noon still waits………….


Star Member
Jun 9, 2012
Job Offer........

way to go noon.....still, at least u get me smiling how u added jest to ur post...i know it's frustrating especially it was clear u had other options that u let passed inorder to patiently wait for ur deserved time..

hey, "it's not yet over 'til the fat lady sings"...until u get notice of ur refund, then, anything can happen...how about joining the class action lawsuit?...might make a diff...(just a thought)


noon said:
Some events in chronological order

2003 june: noon plans to immigrate to a developed country for better future .
noon selects Australia because of better climate.

2003 july : noon sends copies of educational documents to Australian Dental Council for credential evaluation.

2003 nov: noon passes ADC (Australian Dental Council) credential evaluation and got invitation to apply to Australia

2003 dec: noon was asked to postpone the plan to immigrate to Australia by some friends who are already there . They told that was not good time to go there.

2004 jan : Friends suggests noon to apply to Canada. It may take 4-5 years but it is worth as it is a peaceful country.

2004 feb : noon collects feedback about Canada. Noon gets nothing negative.

2004 apr : noon started gathering documents needed to immigrate to Canada.

2004 june: noon goes through application again and again to check for deficiencies

2004 july: noon's application and DD reaches New delhi and gets AOR

2004 sep: noon's ecase appears “we started processing.........”.
noon's son plants a small gooseberry seedling.

2005 jan: noon gets offer to work as Dentist from Ministry of Health, Libya. Noon declines it and waited for Canada visa.

2006 dec: noon's neighbour's daughter got married to US H1 visa holder and fly to US. Now she is a green card holder.

2008 oct. noon got letter from CIC asking to submit updated documents.

2009 jan : noon's relative applies for Canadian Immigation. Got refused after 8 months. Later accepted an offer from Middle East and settled there.

2010 june : noons friend who passed out of Dental college in 2008 apply for Canada Immigration and reaches Canada in 2011 and started the process of licensing.

2012 july: noons application turns 8 year old. Gooseberry plant grew to a tree. And noon still waits.............


Full Member
Apr 18, 2009
Visa Office......
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Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Med's Request
waiting 4 ever

I am just sharing the fate of a 6 years old file..............which I have got from a very recent communication with the CIC Singapore........the news is just only 1 week old............ so today I have lost the last hope regarding my FSW application which I filed on june 2006..........today I have become free from all bondage with the dribbling CIC which always dragged me back for last 6 years long.............. :mad:

:( :(...........Thank you for your enquiry to the Immigration Section of the High Commission of Canada in Singapore.

Canadian Federal Budget 2012 proposed to terminate applications and return fees paid by certain Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applicants who applied prior to February 27, 2008. This proposal was introduced in Parliament and has now become law. Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) is preparing to close FSW files if applicants:
applied before February 27, 2008; and
have not had a decision made by an immigration officer based on FSW program selection criteria before March 29, 2012.
A decision based on selection criteria means that an immigration officer:
has assessed the FSW application against the points grid, and
has made a decision on whether or not the applicant meets the selection criteria of the program.
The application about which you are enquiring was received by CIC prior to February 27, 2008. As of March 29, 2012, no decision had been made based on the selection criteria.

CIC will return fees paid for applications that are closed under these provisions. The fee return process is currently being finalized, and will involve confirming up-to-date contact and payee information. CIC has set up a central task force based in Ottawa to handle the fee return process. More details will be posted on the CIC website as they become available: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-qa.asp

Applicants whose files are closed by CIC may re-apply under the current FSW criteria or under any other immigration category for which they may be eligible. Those who have the skills Canada needs now will likely have their applications processed much more quickly. To find out more, visit the CIC website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/index.asp. CIC is focussing its resources on facilitating the arrival of skilled immigrants who apply under the current eligibility criteria. New FSW applications are processed within 12 months.

We hope this information will be of assistance.

Immigration Section | Section d'immigration
High Commission of Canada | Haut Commissariat du Canada
Singapore | Singapour
Facsimile | Télécopieur : (65) 6854-5874


Star Member
Jul 3, 2012
kiwi1 said:

way to go noon.....still, at least u get me smiling how u added jest to ur post...i know it's frustrating especially it was clear u had other options that u let passed inorder to patiently wait for ur deserved time..

hey, "it's not yet over 'til the fat lady sings"...until u get notice of ur refund, then, anything can happen...how about joining the class action lawsuit?...might make a diff...(just a thought)

hi kiwi1,

did you join this class action lawsuit? can we still join and make a difference in our application? i thought they would only accept those that filed prior to a certain date.

regards, erdavid


Star Member
Jun 9, 2012
Job Offer........
hi erdavid

yes, i joined recently. if u filed pre Feb 27, 2008, you can still join. the 90d period will expire approx 29 Sept 2012 (from 29 June 2012).
i clarified with them what's my position as a litigant if i join only now - they assured me that it is the same as the earlier 200 or so participants. i thought, i just give it a go...who knows, maybe this will make a difference...


erdavid said:
hi kiwi1,

did you join this class action lawsuit? can we still join and make a difference in our application? i thought they would only accept those that filed prior to a certain date.

regards, erdavid


Star Member
Jun 9, 2012
Job Offer........
hi tdr

thanks for sharing.....what can i say.....sad......
so far, this is the first that i have learned of an application pre Feb 27, 2008 that received this sort of letter.
i thought Singapore VO is a bit quick in sending out this letter.


tdr said:

I am just sharing the fate of a 6 years old file..............which I have got from a very recent communication with the CIC Singapore........the news is just only 1 week old............ so today I have lost the last hope regarding my FSW application which I filed on june 2006..........today I have become free from all bondage with the dribbling CIC which always dragged me back for last 6 years long.............. :mad:

:( :(...........Thank you for your enquiry to the Immigration Section of the High Commission of Canada in Singapore.

Canadian Federal Budget 2012 proposed to terminate applications and return fees paid by certain Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applicants who applied prior to February 27, 2008. This proposal was introduced in Parliament and has now become law. Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) is preparing to close FSW files if applicants:
applied before February 27, 2008; and
have not had a decision made by an immigration officer based on FSW program selection criteria before March 29, 2012.
A decision based on selection criteria means that an immigration officer:
has assessed the FSW application against the points grid, and
has made a decision on whether or not the applicant meets the selection criteria of the program.
The application about which you are enquiring was received by CIC prior to February 27, 2008. As of March 29, 2012, no decision had been made based on the selection criteria.

CIC will return fees paid for applications that are closed under these provisions. The fee return process is currently being finalized, and will involve confirming up-to-date contact and payee information. CIC has set up a central task force based in Ottawa to handle the fee return process. More details will be posted on the CIC website as they become available: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-qa.asp

Applicants whose files are closed by CIC may re-apply under the current FSW criteria or under any other immigration category for which they may be eligible. Those who have the skills Canada needs now will likely have their applications processed much more quickly. To find out more, visit the CIC website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/index.asp. CIC is focussing its resources on facilitating the arrival of skilled immigrants who apply under the current eligibility criteria. New FSW applications are processed within 12 months.

We hope this information will be of assistance.

Immigration Section | Section d'immigration
High Commission of Canada | Haut Commissariat du Canada
Singapore | Singapour
Facsimile | Télécopieur : (65) 6854-5874


Hero Member
Mar 9, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
november 2006
File Transfer...
I think it is waived

Reading your post I feel weak. I cannot convince myself that these things can come out of a civilized country. Wish something miracle happen to your case.


Full Member
Apr 18, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Med's Request
waiting 4 ever
i think nothing will happen without any miracle regarding my case as well as to all other pre-feb27, 2008 files except for very few lucky applications..... :'(



Star Member
May 6, 2012
dear noon , dont be :(,i can feel ure pain as i m march 2004 applicant still waiting , i ve lost many oppertunities in life due to this canada ,i get depressed time to time and councel my self and move on . i feel stupid why i ve waited 8 years but time passes quickly my energies and age was different 8 years back now i m old graduate less oppertunities here and there too but..... one can try hard but can not fight with fate . just keep praying as ALLAH almighty has to decide for us . recently i get very sick and just prayed for my health tht time nothing matters at tht moment for me thankgod i m better i realized tht i m just praying for canada my prayers starts from it but now i pray for health first ;D. dont talk abt canada with kidz as i did the same mistake but now i just change topic never want my kidz should suffer and feel wht i m going through . due to this i ve ruined my health .although i m sensaible enough but its difficult t do act than advice ;) . just pray.