I am glad my story has so been an inspiration for you as to make the final decision and move to Canada. Especially knowing how well educated you are and already been studying in Hamilton, ON and would be just fine here.
And am sure if you keep the faith and don't ever loose it, you will be just fine. No matter what happens, just be and stay "yourself" and pursuit your dreams. Never NEVER give up on your "wishes" and the picture in which you see yourself.
I can only asnwer 2x questions of your, not the last one sadly, as I 've not been to Alberta (YET) and can't tell, but that is really a personal journey and one that only you can decide and determine which one to be doing you right. OK?
Answer to your first question: The biggest fear is the FEAR itself! ;D by Winston Churchill and I truly do know that that should be your lead and motto for life.
DO NEVER FEAR anybody or anything! unless for drugs and "bad" stuff.
Answer to your second question: We all were born alone and will die alone, our parents will become old regardless, it is you and your life that matters. I miss my mom tremendously, she keeps sending me messages and posts video clips to my Facebook wall and telling me how much she misses me, how much she loves me, how much she cries etc, but I see her sitting at home, on her sofa, watching TV and eating and having not much to do or news to talk about and the fact that everyday it was the same and that I 've been living close to her for 18 years as to just be " close" to her while I could 've made the choice to be here much earlier, studied and had better jobs and built up on a life that is really me and suitable for me NOW, today, and not throwing it away for 18 years in a country that really is so used to " social nanny" attitude , a real Nanny state, that people do not need people with guts, with a bright mind, with innovative souls and with " the spirit and creativity" to matter and be of a change to their surroundings.
All that you see is people who go to work after school, do the same job for years until they retire, have a few weeks of holiday each year, eat the same food, keep people from other cultures outside of their own living room and who ever enters their country, finds himself in total isolation and in order to find his way is forced to integrate by law and forget and kiss goodbye his own culture and " himself". IN that country, a person like me was always told that I was " too much" ... too much of being good, but here, I can be too much of NOT being good!
So, why should I throw away my "creativity", my "life", my " future", for the sake of my mother and family and why not Choose for myself?
I know that what I do is also good for her, for my Mom. I can at least, if I find a real good full time paid job and a better bigger home in time, to accomodate her and bring her here, bring her out, show her the city, the country, places she has never seen before and make sure she TOO can have some fun and so she TOO can "live up" again and so her spirit to be "lifted up" and so she can say" I am alive, honey, thank you"
YES< that is why I do this and that is why YOU too should do it! ... you don't do this only for your own good, but also for your own good.
Always blessings, Never losses!
Be blessed for having them, your family and loved ones, for being there for you, for the lessons they taught you, for the things they shown you and for the person you are and who you are because of their presence in your life, BUT please, do never regret and/or feel sorry for "not having them with you" or close to you and throw your own life away as NOT to loose. We never loose anything, the most precious thing in life one can loose, is "life" itself, isn't it?
So, don't loose on "life" and choose for "a life" ... a good life, walking the right path of life and being a better person for yourself, to yourself and living a MUCH better life.
After all, honey ...
Whenever any and each one of us, is happy, is lucky, feels blessed, ... We, that person, reflects the inner happiness and the smiles back to this world and to the people around them, right?
So, when you are happy, you make other people happy and if we all together make sure that we feel happy and we are happy, then you bet, this world, at least this city or this country or wherever we are, will be a better place to live in and to contribute to.
That is why we are on this planet, aren't we?
You ll be good ... I am sure. Don't worry ... at least you do something and you are taking action now that you can and don't let it go and sit and wait until the day that you would wonder "what if" and "how this or that will be" "IF" you had chosen for this move.
Do it now and you ll be good.
If you want and NEED to wait for a little bit longer, then so be it, but whatever you decide, whenever, NEVER forget to take lead of your own future, because that is the only thing one has got and can say "is mine" ... the rest isn't us. We die someday alone anyway, but let's at least have lived a life that was "ours" eh?
Ah well ...
Even if I can't make it here and should go back to Europe, I can someday, when I am old, look back and say: Charlotte, you did it! at least I tried and I did what I wanted to do. ...
Oh gosh, now I become emotional..I better stop.
God bless you all ...
Always blessings, Never losses!