That is true Erik and I can't agree more. To each his own. They should see what they really want, what they really need and how they can achieve it, set a goal and work towards that goal and schedule their entire life around these specific goals while being aware of who they are at all times and like I say, try to go with the flow when walking towards their ideals.
You are right, I see sadly so many introvert passive people around me too, many of whom do not even care what others may be or need and are so full of themselves and their own heritage, culture and all that they simply forget that we are all part of the same chain of people who can create a nation called Canada.
And one more thing I really would like to emphasize is that " do not romantisize" Canada! I am having fun here but I am always aware of the reality. Do not loose touch of your own and the reality. It really is such a hard task to keep up with the fast pace of life here and do not believe anybody who is telling you that life might be better here than where you already are.
Like Erik says, what works well for others, might not work well for you!
I just come back from an appointment, wanted to have a cup of coffee, waiting for my turn, start talking to this lovely woman before me and she told me that she 's come here from Algeria and although speaks fluently French and English, is high educated and has had an excellent job back in Algeria, is still trying to find a job and was amazed that I could find me a "seasonal" job and two "volunteering" positions in such a short period of time! She asked me what my "secret" is and what motivates me to do so.
I explained her my way of doing and dealing with life here and she simply replied that it is all way too much work for her, she can't do that!
Age is one problem, two having kids, her husband, her husband has a 'survival" job now but doesn't like it but has to bear the bitter truth as to at least feed his family and they feel excluded at times etc etc. Well, she is right. I myself was just thinking the same when I was walking back home from my appointment when I see all these "square" faces on street of certain groups of people here who don't care about anybody else except for their own 'kind".
Really sad! ???
So yes, Erik, one should be aware of many factors and I still do say, if you 've a good job and can hold on to it for sometime, until hopefully the recession is over, then do so and don't just jeapordize your future and come over as to face bitterness and financial misery.
Anyway, I am admitted to a volunteering position, paid 16$ due for the required Police check and they took a picture of me which is necessary for my badge and ID card there and I will have a TBC (Tuberclusys) check provided by their own doctor on Friday. (it is a luxuary nursing home and very serious and dedicated place with great programs and excellent service for residents).
While there and being interviewed in private by the general manager, he looked at my resumé and asked me wheter I indeed could type so fast and have all the abilities and skills mentioned in there and from previous jobs and I said yes and explained a bit more about those. Then he asked why I 've come to Canada which is off course not allowed to asked here but since we were just talking I did explain that too and then he also asked what kind of job am I really looking for and so I told him what I 've been looking for and that I am very flexible in my choices right now and that I consider changing direction too and study.
Then he told me how amazed he is and impressed by me and what I 've been achieving so far and is sure going to find me a volunteering post in their administration department so I can start acquire job related experience and improve my skills which is as he understands very important to give people like me the right push and certain help they need to find their own way and I was so speechless when he suddenly said so! HE is such a nice kind helpful man and I am now a true believe of "what goes around comes around" and am so happy that I 've chosen for their organization and this motivates me the more so to volunteer and help their staff and the residents to feel at home and be safe and sound.
He also added that he will provide me with a letter of approval and recognition of my skills once I 've worked there as volunteer so any employer can see how good I am and to help me convince them of the right choice they make if selecting and choosing for me.
I guess I better consider this as an achievement, some help out of the blue, so unexpected and so kindly offered by people who do recognize talent.
Now, let's hope Police Check will be acquired soon too, because I know it can take like 8 to 10 weeks until the result is in.
OH ... good point people..
Don't forget to take your documents with you when you move to Canada. I know you all do so, but I sadly didn't take them all with me. My police check that was done like 2 years ago as to complete my immigration dossier is not with me now, otherwise I could save me 16$ and immediately hand it in, but then again, I wonder if they would/could accept that since it 's been two years ago when that one was issued! ???
What I now know for sure, is that regardless of what kind of volunteer work you apply for, the chance that they ask you for a police check is possible, so have the papers with you, just in case.
And for the police check they need your previous address, not the one where you live now if shorter than 5 years residing on the address.
Well, I didn't know that! Silly me
Television/Internet/Home Phone/Wireless:
When I moved in this apartment, I went to Rogers and got me a this full bundle of services, TV,Internet, home phone and wireless all together.
I was surprised as to see that my last billing due was more than 500$!

yes, I mean it, I was

So I paid it and called Rogers and while looking at my account online, I forced the sales repres. to
brainstorm with me!
It appeard that the Rogers sales center the day I bought me the whole package, hasn't been really helpful and quite selfish to sell me a whole bunch of services and stuff that I didnt use at all although I 'd explained him the situation. Yet again, either he was busy or he was just not paying attention or did care at all! I don't know.
For example: I 'd a VIP Digital TV package, +300 channels, most of which Hindi, Ordu, Chinese, bla bla bla or a whole lot of nonsens such as TV on demand, movie packs, bla bla bla! ... gosh I hardly watch TV and if I do it is either CBC News, BBC World, CNBC, BNN and/or Sci-Fi or History or Discovery or "Family Guy" or "American Dad"!

(gosh I love American dad series so much as well as Super Natural and Ugly Betty) anyway ...
Home phone: I don't call anybody and nobody calls me on my home phone and making long distance calls??? NO Way ... are you kidding me?
IF I want to make a long distance call, I go to the post office and buy me a so called " Ci Ci" card for 20$ and it gives me more than 600minutes daytime calls, I bought one in Sept. and I still have more than 200minutes left! And a nationwide unlimited calls, are you kidding me? I know nobody anywhere outside GTA, well I do know a few people, but they don't call me, I don't call them and we only use email or skype.
So, I tell the person, I better admit to say that I FORCED the Rogers Sales rep. to listen to me and let me exactly explain what I do, what I need and how I am used to use all these and in order to do so I used this favourite quote of mine copied from the funny TV serie " Allò Allò" saying" Listen carefully, cause I shall say this only once" - or I will step out and cancel all my services and go to Bell!
I also told 'her" that if Rogers makes me a good deal and comes up with a discount, you bet I will stay with them because I 've really NO TIME to go and shop around and play with all these services, my time and money! So, keep me happy cause one happy customer and you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on "promotions" and "marketing" as to keep me loyal to you and that way save up a large amount of your budget too, right? she said yes, true.
Anyway ...
I 've now a good deal with Rogers, TV is now Digital Plus, I can receive the exact amount of channels I need and I gave her a few channels and wanted her to check if they were included or not, luckily they were, So, if you watch BNN, BBC, CNBC, CNN and all, go for Rogers Digital Plus, I also got me a basic 1 plus two free features such as caller ID and unlimited incoming LOCAL phone calls in Toronto itself, (cause I use a CiCi card) for 23 dollars a month and in exchange for a 2 year Wireless contract (I use my own cell phone that is sim lock free and took it here with me, and please do so people, don't spend hundreds of dollars on a new phone device here!) I got me 400minutes daytime, unlimited text messaging, more than 500MB data usage, unlimited incoming local calls and between 6pm and 7am free calls and/or reduces tarif etc, all for 70$ a month! ...
Yes, I do use cell phone a lot and I need that because of employers and all. When I want to call employers and am at home, I use my home phone, but if I am out and about, I better use cell phone and so, at least I am not into much stress when running around town wondering if I am now paying so much and/or if talking and explaining stuff to employer or recruiter, who ever, that I am losing my daytime minutes! 400 does suffice really.
I also changed my internet plan from Express to Lite! instead of 50GB to 15GB data usage for moderate internet users, I don't download movies and/or use youtube that often or upload pictures or video's bla bla bla ... please I am a full grown woman and not into childish stuff! ;D
Then .. before saying goodbye, I asked if I was set? yes, I am all set was the response, so I added; now you know that I am going to be a loyal customer, so are there currently promotions for customer with such extended contracts? ... " silence" and then, let me check and if so, another dept will call you.
Today, I was called and the answer is YES! I am going to receive 15% dicount on TV, Internet and Wireless as this promotion is currently ongoing.
At least I can now go and sleep better and don't pull out my hair for being so stupid as to not check what I was sold upon subscription that day which they never exactly tell or explain to you when you buy you these services!!!!! (believe me, they receive a bonus and so they keep their mouth shot when necessary and don't show you the 'small" letters on your contract), or else, as I am told, take the contract with you, say you need time to read it THOROUGHLY and then return to sign the contract OK?
They can't refuse that...they refer to such as " Giveaway" package.
example: wanna buy a car? go to dealership, car dealer explains you A and Z and all, you say " good, Chris,Bob, Robert, Mr.Mrs X whoever", I am now convinced but do you 've a giveaway package too? ... they will understand what you mean!

then there is space and the door open to "discuss" and get you a good deal or else " Bye Bye, So long, Adieu mon cher"!!!
Gosh, 500$ for a phone bill/TV/Internet/Wireless that I didn't use?!
Imagine how upset I was to find out that while paying like 95$ a month for my wireless thinking that my Wireless contract was a good deal, YET AGAIN, all INCOMING phone calls during daytime, were EXCLUDED! ... how silly is that? the guy at the counter never told me that.
I want to call his name so he looses his job, but I won't.
And for almost 2 months that landlord + real estate agent who has been taking advantage of me, has been calling me for at least an hour a day to discuss her divorce and her miserable life with me! Actually she has to pay that, but ... ah ... well, at least I now don't care if her glass stove is now scratch free or not when I cook!

Actually, I am going to leave 500 deep scratches behind on her glass stove!
ONE more important thing:
IF you decide to lease a newly built condo, check if all service providers, Bell, Rogers and Tellus have an antenae and/or services provided to your address!
Why I HAD to go to Rogers, becasue at the time, we had no BELL and still no Tellus on my address. So .. you go and figure.
God Bless ya all