ht711 said:@ David, India is not sorry place for 99% people...Comeon. I don't know who tell you all these stories. Dont read news paper to talk about India. Come to India and experience. We just got independence 67 years ago, things will take time to improve. Time has changed, India is not like, like it was 30 years ago. Facebook, Google, you name the brand, they come to India for campus interview and hire students for their companies. But as a citizen, i would say it will take time to improve and i am sure India will improve, cuz it's improving. When i landed in Canada i had a picture that once i will get out of airport there will be wow feeling but no it's like India not because too many Indians there but cars, climate (india is not that cold), buildings, i mean you name it India has everything, Malls, etc. Corruption is everywhere, some has more and some has less. Corruption has decreased and it will improve, older generation retiring, new ideas are coming up but we have too many people in India so who get chance to go out they go out for betterment but i hate who leave India but saying India is bad, India has corruption. Why you are saying bad for India, go and do your bit in Canada stop calling India bad/corruption, it is because one has got the visa. If Canada change its laws in a way that only those people allowed who has job offers from Canadian employers then half of them has to stay in India lol, those who say all this they forget that you will remain Indian no matter where you will go cuz you will remain kids of your parents who are Indians one would not forget that, you have brothers and sisters who are Indians, we will always sound Indian, our name will sound Indian, Canadians (most of em) look at you (racism i am talking about).
Canada need truck drivers, they need helpers, they need cleaners, they pay $ for that. Sorry if i have said something wrong...but 99% of Indians are not doing bad in India seriously.
Canada want immigrants to come (keeping lawyers alive with our applications), buy a house (keep the housing market alive), open a Bank account (keeping the Banking Industry alive) and spend money (keeping everyone else alive) cuz Immigration has become industry and if CIC is not lying and everyear 250000 immigrants immigrating then they are bringing billions i guess in total which they are spending....
Toronto has so many international students that even getting a survival job is challenge if not impossible, they are ready to work on less than provincial minimum salary.. East coast is empty of jobs, Vancouver no jobs only left Alberta, Sask and MB and has survival jobs to start with.
Charollate is right that Canada is not that Canada of 1985 or 2002.
@ Rahul Here those doctors are driving cabs who have passed the provincial exams everything is fine but not getting Residency because of Canadian system and that is making them doing all this, FAKE Institution guys are not working as docs (There are no Fake institutes who give MBBS training hahahahahaha) and not even getting immigration to Canada. Nadella left for US on Student visa (Money well spent) and did his masters there and then MBA and then got a job there. US is land of opportunities as USA don't call people like that, if you have job offer in your field, then only US Govt give you visa and not like that open the door and struggle with nowhere to Charollate is right ready to go 5 years back...But no-one will understand this part, one will understand when he/she will land and experience. It's like when doctor says leave alcohol then the alcoholic won't leave but he will leave alcohol when he got Cirrhosis. I would say if one is doing good then dont come to Canada...Australia is much better than Canada i would say but i have only heard of it....Yea you can buy a BMW/Mercedes/Toyoto SUVs easily even if you are working in Walmart 11$ an hour in Canada that you cant' in India unless you are super rich but you can buy a car that's for sure. Yea you can spend quality of time in India with your family if you are doing average or above that in India than in Canada (talking about immigrants)..Yea those who land there and dont get a chance to become physiotherapist/docs or get a good job but they call their home countries tell their relatives a lie that yea they become doctors or physios, no one will tell that they are working in Walmart or driving taxis so in their relatives eyes they remain a lie, but You enjoy Canada...Pas de probleme....bonne chance. I am sorry if i said something bad..
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According to World Bank report of 2010 [see] an estimated 400 million people in India lived on less than $1.25 per day, that's less than $37.50 to live for during a month. Now, these are "officially poor" people. How many are earning $1.30 a day, or $2.00 a day or $3.00 a day and are not counted as "officially poor" , because they are above the $1.25 a day benchmark number? It's rhetoric question.
The buildings, cars, Google and Facebook are not the measure of how well country does. There are a number of developing world countries that have more and taller skyscrapers than New York does, that have longer bridges than San Francisco does , and greater proportion of German made luxury cars than any city in North America can boast of. Does it somehow put them on par with Western countries?
I bet it doesn't. There is too much that is hidden behind perfect facades in those places, and I know it for a fact since I come from one of the countries that has become a tourist Mecca lately.
Keep in mind, where I come from the official poverty rate (according to the same World bank report @ $1.25 per day benchmark) is 100 times less than in India, and GNI per capita is 5 times greater, so I can only imagine how much harder it is to live in India.
Appearances can fool tourists, but those who know better know better.
As to corruption, there is more of it today than there was a generation ago. That's a global evil, a new 'fashionable' trend if you will , and if Western countries started to get corrupted relatively recently, the Third World countries are progressing at high speed towards ever more corruption where the starting point was rampantly corrupt to begin with. They are practicing corruption with impunity. You are expected to pay a cop or a judge or prosecutor a bribe to get away with small crimes and it's a matter of common knowledge, not a "hush hush" hidden reality that few if anyone you know individually have witnessed in person.
As to falling wages and living standards in Canada or US, we, or our countries of origin , are at least partially responsible for it.
Because countries we originate from have perennially abused and kept in worst imaginable conditions their own population, there is an enormous surplus of labor force there which is eager and desperate to do any amount of work for wages that you couldn't compare to Western.
As a result, lots of Western companies moved their operations overseas. Why pay a laborer in Michigan $30 to $40 per hour when you can pay the same to Chinese for a week and have him assemble a car for you? Why pay customer service representative in Salt Lake City $13 hour when someone in India will work 20 hours for the same?
Even engineers and highly qualified workers , if local Citizens, get 10 times less than any Western, American or Canadian workers get if they are hired to do the same job. Just ask any person who works in Oil rigs overseas, they will tell you that if Irish or Scottish engineer hired by BP earns $6000-$10000 per month to do highly specialized work, the local personnel hired to replace the same will receive only $500-$600 per month and be extremely happy with it.
BTW, whatever reduction in poverty you see in developing world in the past 30-40 years is a direct result of Western companies moving their operations overseas and hiring locals to do the work. Even paying fraction of what they would have to pay a Western workers, they still end up significantly improving the living standards and lowering poverty in those parts of the world. Again, what does it tell us about how the developing world treats its' own citizens?
And when immigrants from those countries escape their country of origin, the same pattern continues: many are willing to beat the local worker and take the lowest bid to do the work, any survival job.
Do I blame and judge the individual who is hard pressed to accept those conditions and work next to nothing, here or overseas? Not really, because I understand the problem is systemic and real cause is corruption, economic chaos and disorganized way the states are ran in the third world/developing countries. But I can't ignore the issues over there, which are origin of many of the plagues that follow immigrants even thousands of miles away from where they come from.
I have zero loyalty or inclination to deflect a criticism to a country of my own origin that creates inherently abusive living conditions and treats its' own native citizens in such a way that they are forced to spread all around the world in search of better life.
And I think if you give it a hard thought you will come to conclusion that your country also shares large portion of the blame for what is happening to many Indians you know of, who are like rahulk9 are desperate and looking to go to any place, away from India, in hopes of finding a better life for themselves and their children.
Nobody argues Canada or US in 2014 are the same as they were 15 years ago, obviously they are not (and, as I mentioned above, our countries of origin are at least partially responsible for over supply of cheap labor, overseas and here as well, and resulting fall of living standards and wages in the Western world).
But it would be an inaccurate and erroneous representation of the picture to state that , even today, our countries of origin are anywhere near the Western world, in terms of quality of life and protection of rights and liberties of its' own population. The fact is they are not.
With all the best wishes to everyone.