Going forward I would refrain from using the word stripp*r and use dancer instead. I don't mean to disrespect anyone or insult the memory of Renee.
My day started off with Rochelle giving me a lovely smile, and sadly ends with me being cooped up like a chicken at home. Streets are flooded and water everywhere, we are advised to stay at home. So Netflix it is. Prosperity has taken its toll on me, getting a little thick in the waist and gone are the flat abs I had in Toronto.
Its funny I should be complaining about the rain, considering that we have so less of it in India which is a hot dry place. My partner and I watched the movie 'Cole'. Its so ironic that I chose that particular movie considering the state my life is in now. I can relate to that perfectly. My partner, who I live with is an amazing person (its a girl, I love women too much for anything else

). She has helped me get over Amanda and has been very supportive.
Life in Canada has been so beautiful and fair to me. I have nothing to complain about (except the rain that is). My journey from the streets of Delhi to Toronto to Calgary has been an eye opener, met different people from different walks of life, no one as friendly as Canadians.
There are 2 reasons because of which Amanda left me. Let me elaborate on the first reason (please don't judge me: I am a better person than that now)
Renee: what is it about a woman that makes a guy go weak in the knees? Is it the smile, the walk, the looks? In my case it is the hair, blonde. I had a hot blonde (mean no disrespect) in my arms and I had to look elsewhere for pleasure which was my undoing. Its so true what they say, guys cheat because they think a lot about what they don't have instead of appreciating what they do have. I mentioned before that Amanda was the progressive kind of girl who did not mind going to strip clubs. I later realized that she was not a big fan of such places but she went because it made me happy, because she wanted to be with me all the time. But even she had her limits, she got suspicious after the 5th or 6th dance I had with the same dancer. I mean why would any guy do that when there are so many other dancers around. She correctly guessed I was enamored with Renee. She still kept her peace.
Amanda always had a sunny disposition (she now reminds me of the sun, summer and happiness). She always liked to see the glass half full while I am a guy who sees a glass half full and pours more alcohol into it. With my carefree nature I did not realize she was hurt. She always walked by my side with her hands in the crook of my arm and her head resting on my right shoulder, oblivious to the world. She is not a very tall girl around 5'4, and I am 5'11.
PS: my partner is looking over my shoulder as I type this and she says hi to everyone. Her blond tresses falling over on the laptop. I need to have a smoke and also keep up the Clint Eastwood imitation if I harbor any hopes of keeping her.
PS2: it would be wonderful if anyone could send me info on how to post a pic of mine (and my partner's) on this forum. Or maybe some other website where I can post it, where you can see it but not download it (no offense meant)