Yes Gosia is a polish name ;DRockyMish said:good lord... gosia is a polish name... polish girl's name... poland=beautiful girls=blondes .... ahem let me start over... dammit where are my cigarettes?? here they are... 8) .. :-*
There are lots of jobs in Calgary, especially in the oil and gas industry. And they pay good, real good. Now that you have a PR its much easier to move. God bless you, you are single.
There are girls who make your heart stop and everything moves in slow motion, girls you would love to open the door for, stand up when she leaves the room, stand up when she comes back in, and you feel like doing it all your life. Every guy has this feeling for this special girl, well that's what I felt for Amanda. A brief description of her, blonde (as you well know), straight hair with black streaks in them (like jen anniston) which makes you think the base of the hair is black, shines white in the sunlight. For the first date (hard rock cafe) she was wearing an off shoulder dress, knee length with simple sandals and handbag. Took my breath away. I was so proud of walking with her on my side. We did not have much money. As you know she was a waitress, I was still at school. We found things we could do together anyway. For example we used to hang out at starbucks after 10 pm right when it was closing time because at 1030 the baristas would walk around with trays of free food. Starbucks does not sell stale food. They dispose it end of every day and each morning they get fresh stock. There you go, free dinner. Another example was Ikea's 1$ breakfast. Toast, eggs, hash browns, bacon.. wow. All for little more than 1$. If a girl likes you and wants to be with you when you have nothing, she wants to be with you all your life. Now that I have everything, I don't have her. But that is life. I think of her often and wonder why I did what I did to spoil everything (long story for later).
What I am trying to convey through all this is life is beautiful, Toronto is beautiful, Canada is beautiful. I agree there are challenges which may be difficult to overcome, but not impossible. Its been 18 months since I went home to India, I am going home this christmas. I go back to the same streets, same home and wonder how my life has changed in the last 2 years. See familiar landmarks around india and think that the last time I was here I was a nobody. Now I have an amazing job, wonderful friends around me, all the money I would ever need and most importantly the love of 2 wonderful women. Does wonders for a guys confidence. I got this from Canada. Canada owed me nothing but she still opened her arms and welcomed me. Just give yourself time and patience, Canada would come through for you.
Ok that was a bit off track. Will come back to my story later.
PS: done with work, now this is where I swagger to my beemer with a cigarette between my lips hoping to catch the eye of the lovely receptionist Rochelle. She has been ignoring me forever now. Have to do something about it. Maybe I should quit smoking. Hmm food for thought.
But do you handle 2 women? Be careful though, and please don't break these poor women's hearts