tolafatokun said:
I'm a plumber and I practise in Nigeria, a country in africa.
I have my trade test certificate and my certificate of apprenticeship.
I filled the EOI form and I answered "YES" to the "License and Trade/Profession" regulation question.
I have been sent the LAA since the 13th August 2015 now nd I have all my supporting documents intact but there's a problem about the licensing aspect, in the LAA sent to me, there's a paragraph that emphasises that applicants should refuse/reject the LAA if u don't have a license that is recognised in manitoba.
I enquired from the MPNP by mailing them and here's the reply I was sent;
"Thank you for your e-mail. You must be licensed in Manitoba in order to answer yes to that question on the EOI. If you have answered yes
and do not have the supporting documents, your file may be closed for misrepresentation. Please research your trade in Manitoba on the internet and determine if its an occupation that is governed by a licensing requirement. If it is, there will be an association that has a website and will provide information on licensing requirements.
This reply is confusing because it didnt state if it wont be possible for me to be licensed if am outside canada or not, so am confused if i should simply reject the letter of advice to apply or go ahead with the documents i have with me. i already searched for websites who can provide infos on licensing requirement and i cant find any. The only ones i found was just fro the assesment of my trade.
im seriously confused and i really need serious help right now because i dont want a case of misrepresentation which could eventually lead to my file being closed and might end up in bans on future applications. Moreso i just have 37 days or thereabout for the deadline to submit a full application.
Thank you.
I am not sure if plumber is a regulated profession in Canada but I am certain that the necessary licensure exam will be held in Canada if there's any. USA having shortage of nurse manpower so they resorted to make the state board of NCLEX and CGFNS available overseas. With no disrespect, I don't think Canada will make the licensure exam of plumbing overseas because there's no urgency from them to do that. So don't be confused where to take the exam ;D
The first thing that you should do (which you should have done before filling up your EOI in the first place) is make sure that plumber is a regulated profession in Canada. Secondly, if it was indeed regulated, you search in google on how to obtain license for plumber in Canada. Then you can see a link that will guide you... I was a mechanical engineer and this is the procedure I did and effectively found that I needed to pass mechanical engineering licensure exam first to be given by Mechanical Engineering Association of Canada before I can work there as an engineer so I answered "NO" to that portion. Actually, there's no point to make the whereabout of exam to be an issue. It was stated there that the applicant should have all the documents he/she put in EOI at the time he/she filled it up. It's late to get exam also.

If you feel your idea of answering yes in the EOI is correct (despite the warning in the website) then proceed to submit your application. But, common sense dictates that you should have answered NO. Now, I believe that you should decline the LAA

I was wondering... why so many applicants filled up "yes" to that part when it is clearly stated the prerequisites and the warning about misrepresentation ... then when LAA arrived and saw again
the same warning, people are getting reluctant to proceed. The process of MPNP is really slow and cases like this make the process slower