Erin1125 said:
HI Einna, im a newbie here ...are you done with your MPNP and now applying for federal? I sent our MPNP appl last Feb 2014 and i heard they are still processing august 2013...hope you can guide me also when we receive our LOA
Hi Erin1125,
With God's grace, I receive my LOA from MPNP after waiting for almost 6 months. Once you receive your LOA, you will see the instruction there for the next step.
I'm under General Stream. Family stream according to my friend's experience is way faster. But sometimes that also depend on the bulk of applications that MPNP receives by the time you apply.
You will notice the trend of responses from MPNP by looking at the timeline of the members of this forum.
God bless us all and Good luck in our application