Hello... I have a situation here. Didn't get a good night sleep because of this. :'( I hope someone can enlighten my worries about this.
After 2 years and 9 months, Manitoba office finally emailed me and is reviewing my application. I am under General Stream (2013).
It just so happen, I am currently in Ontario on a student visa and I just arrived last April. My intake will start on fall. I am taking my studies here for the supervisory position that will be given to me from my home country after I graduated. I have no plans to immigrate anymore because of my future employment. I didn't expect that Manitoba office will reconsider my application since there had been so many changes in the MPNP for the past years. Yes I know it was my mistake that I didn't call them and I was so busy also at work that time. I just concluded that my documents were already forgotten or something and yeah it's my fault.
Last month, this guy from MPNP office emailed and asked me some questions. I told him I continued moving on with my life and thought that the prospect of immigrating to Manitoba is not for me blah blah blah. But then at the end I told him that I wish to reiterate my desire to come to Manitoba again. :
Then yesterday, he called my sponsor and had a chat with him. He asked some questions about how long have we known each other, how can my sponsor helped me settle, and do I have any other friends in Manitoba besides my sponsor.
And my sponsor told me, the guy on the phone was in a good mood and sounded happy while talking with him then he apologized to my sponsor for the delay of the processing. - I don't know if this is a good sign or if it is necessary to think about. ???
Then the guy on the phone told my sponsor a decision will be made in a few weeks. :-X
What does this mean? Are they still interested to give me a nomination even if I will be starting my studies this Fall?
They gave me hope but with anxiousness again... I think am gonna have a heart attack with this Canada immigration thing... :-[

Any help will do TIA!