Hi everybody!

My name is Eugene and I am glad to share my timeline.
Interview with MPNP officer in Paris 17.09.2011 (Invitation to apply obtained)
==then I had had to get some docs==
Online application 15.02.2012 (file number 17.02.2012)
Request for additional docs 09.03.2012 (proof of liquid funds)
Letter of approval 18.06.2012 (sent 18.05.2012 - 3 monthes and 1 day after AOR)
My police serts are ready so I will apply to CIC in few days. I think I will merry xmas in Winni ;D
You all wellcome to see our spreadsheet.
docs[dot]google[dot]com /spreadsheet /ccc?authkey=CLXB0MQO&key=0Ah9_s_Nq4F6UdElpdWtEOWlldGtyWVV3djF2UzFJVkE&hl=ru&authkey=CLXB0MQO#gid=0
Good luck 4 u all fellaz!