Hello fellow forum Members,
Here's my situation. I am a United States citizen, born and raised. My boyfriend, James is Canadian. After much deliberation, We have decided that me moving to Canada was the best for both of us
Now I am not a Doctor, Rocket Scientist, or hold a super important job title. So the plan of action is for James to fly back down, while I'm still waiting for my passport to come in...he'll stay with me for a few months to help me pack and we plan on driving from Massachusetts to Calgary this Spring/ early Summer. My major concern is that I am able to work legally once I get to Canada. I don't know what my options are, what kind of information I need to provide, where to send it, how long the process takes... just so that we can get this ball rolling. Any advise will be greatly appreciated!!
Thank You!!
Here's my situation. I am a United States citizen, born and raised. My boyfriend, James is Canadian. After much deliberation, We have decided that me moving to Canada was the best for both of us
Thank You!!