Hello everyone Can you please give me some advice.I am a canadian citizen and i am in Canada for 10 years know.I would like my mom to visit me and my family,but she got refused tourist visa twice :-[She had lended immigrant papers with my dad back in 1980 before i was born but they could not adjust here and left after 6 months and never finished the papers.After me and my brother were born my father passed away from leucemia.I came here and got married and have three kids that my mom saw them only once.They said in the refusal letter that the officer has a doubt she will not be back in her country before her visa expiers,her travel history(she never been anywhere),her family ties in Canada and back in Macedonia and her financial situation even that i said me an my husband will be responsable for everytthing.She is a widow and 52 years old,has her own pension,lives with my brother and his family but does not have anything on her name.It is so depressing that a mother can not see where you live and see your kids,house....i send an e mail to the visa office and thay respond that the officer has a doubt that she will not leave on time,she can re applay but it does not mean that will be deside in a different direction.But she had the opportunity to live here but did not like it she just wants to visit me.She also has a mother and a brother here.Please help me
thank you