O.T. : International moving tips
Some tips about international moving:
One Month before Moving
Gather moving supplies, boxes, tape, rope.
If moving far away, make any necessary travel arrangements like airline, hotel, and rental car reservations.
Call a moving company or make truck rental reservations to move yourself.
Finalize real estate and apartment rental needs.
Place legal, medical, and insurance records in a safe and accessible place.
Give your mailers your new address :
Friends and family members
Banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions
Charge card and credit card companies
Doctors, dentists, and other service providers
State and Federal Tax authorities and any other government agencies as needed.
Save moving receipts (many moving expenses are tax deductible).
Make maps of your new neighbourhood to familiarize yourself and your family with your new area.
Plan your moving budget
Two Weeks before Moving
Inform gas, electric, water, cable, local telephone and trash removal services of your move. Sign up for services at your new address.
Inform long distance phone company of your move. Sign up for long distance service at your new address.
Recruit moving-day help.
Confirm travel reservation.
Arrange to close or transfer your bank account, if appropriate.
The Day before Moving
Set aside moving materials like a tape measure, pocket knife, packing boxes, tape and markers.
Pick up rental truck.
Check oil and gas in your car.
If travelling, make sure you have tickets, charge cards, and other essentials.
Packing Tips
Keep the following supplies and accessories on hand:
Boxes, all sizes
Bubble wrap or other cushioning material
Marking pens
Tape measure
Furniture pads or old blankets
Packing tape and scissors
Money and credit cards
Label each box with the room in the new home to which it should be delivered.
Number the boxes and keep a list of what is in each box.
Clearly mark fragile items.
Pack a bag of personal items you'll need during the move (change of clothes, toiletries, medicine, maps, food, and drinks). Keep it in an easy-to-find place when you pack.
Keep a medical kit accessible.
If you have children, pack a bag of games and activities for the trip.
After your Move
Locate police and fire stations as well as hospitals and gas stations near your home.
Scout your new neighbourhood for shopping areas. You may need furniture, tools, or house wares unexpectedly.
Call the Department of Sanitation in your new town to find out which day the trash is collected. Also ask whether your new community has recycling programs.
Seek out new service providers such as a bank, cleaners, veterinarian.
Call your Chamber of Commerce for helpful information on: Schools, Cable service, Cultural events and community activities, Libraries and parks, and Availability of emergency calling services, such as 911
Provide your new doctor and dentist with your medical history. You may need to request your file from your previous doctor/dentist.
Transfer insurance policies to an agent in your new community. You may also wish to make a detailed list of your belongings, their value, and your coverage.
Give your new home a good cleaning.
Moving can be stressful. Watch for effects on family members and pets so you can give comfort and a helping hand.