me neither. i called them to check today about timeline for P2. Ircc agent told me that there is no timeline for it. we can just wait, hope to get it sooner.No i didnt get any automatic reply.
me neither. i called them to check today about timeline for P2. Ircc agent told me that there is no timeline for it. we can just wait, hope to get it sooner.No i didnt get any automatic reply.
Just replied them on P1 (Their first email message). You will get within this week.When you email last time can you please tell me and which email you use
It’s almost a month I don’t got my portal2
16th Jan I replied.When you email last time can you please tell me and which email you use
It’s almost a month I don’t got my portal2
i had replied on jan 18, it has been 35 days but still waitinga week i think
All the best bro
Hope many day it took?
And can you please tell VO?