Can you please point to the resources(if there exist any) where it is mentioned that these 32 months are for inland or outland applicants?For older applications it takes 32 months to get CSQ
Hey, I can't find the Login button. It's gone on the link below.Anyone could still login the Mon Projet system? I tried to login, when I clicked login button, there is a window said as below
"Veuillez noter qu’en raison des nouvelles dispositions du Règlement sur l’immigration au Québec en vigueur depuis le 2 août 2018, il n'est plus possible de se créer un compte Mon projet Québec.
Les personnes intéressées à immigrer au Québec dans le cadre du Programme régulier des travailleurs qualifiés pourront prochainement déposer une déclaration d’intérêt dans le nouveau portail Arrima.
Consultez la page Actualités du site Web du Ministère pour avoir tous les détails sur le nouveau système d’immigration basé sur la déclaration d’intérêt."
But my girlfriend account doesn't get this notice, she sent additional document in mid May....I sent my document in Feb. 2018, no more information from then.
Anyone get the same problem?
So old Mon Project will continue as it is. But if you get an invite, old application needs to be cancelled and no refunds. So cough up more money for the new Arrima Portal and wait again for the next 10 yearsThe cycle repeats !
First world country extracts money from poor third world country applicants in the name of immigration.
Also note that once you fill in the Arrima Portal, there is no points displayed or calculated for you automatically like the Federal Express Entry system.Thanks for the clarification.
It's really annoying... =(
Hi Cherti, have you got your pr for express entry?Also note that once you fill in the Arrima Portal, there is no points displayed or calculated for you automatically like the Federal Express Entry system.