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Hero Member
Nov 12, 2010
It cannot fail ,the children of EU citizens are entitled to the EU citizenship regardless of the name on the birth cert. Remember ,children don't chose their names. The only way to deny them is if they fail DNA test when this is required. So the lawyer can represent the children in court ,you don't even have to testify. In western countries a child can take a court case thru a lawyer.Unless you have hidden motives to stay in Canada ...


Full Member
Feb 15, 2011
Now all is suppose to be set.After our status are vacated for MISREPRESENTATION i am told we will be given a PRRA assesment forms to fill.
As far as i know and read it is something that may not be successful,However,how long does it take to receive the PRRA forms when status are vacated and how long are decisions on them made?


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2010
The easiest way to know is by asking the people who will give YOU those forms. They should know how long it will take them to settle your case. But are you joking? why bother ? if you know already that it is something that may not be successful


Full Member
Feb 15, 2011
I am gathering stuff to leave and return b4 i get forced out.
However i find out my wife will not want to return for the fact that she believes that having 2 kids born here will help her stay.I will not want to depart and leave my kids here.How do i get the CBSA on my side to boot both of us out which in other words will force her to come along with the babies?
Its Drama


VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
Job Offer........
Why do you think that she will be allowed to stay?
It is likely that all of you are going back to Holland.


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2010
Agreed with Baloo
The Netherlands is the most likely place both of you will land. It is wise to get used to that reality.


Full Member
Feb 15, 2011
I was with the idea of departing and letting my kids and wife stay here but i see it will be very hard for her alone with the kids.So i asked her to pack and lets go but she is not really interested in departing that fast because some lawyers are telling her to pay $5000 and they can make her stay because there r 2 kids born here.
I have reviewed all the IRPA Act on Misrepresentation and see that there is no way for 2 yrs.So done deal.
i now want to take my family and leave but she is playing the game of delaying.How do I get the CBSA on my side to boot all of us as soon as possible.
I am ready to buy our tickets.Enough of the tax money of CANADA.


Hero Member
Feb 13, 2011
Re: student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea?

Poznomed. Are you crazy or are you simply nuts? You have eu passports yet claim asylum saying you are from eratria! Where is the logic? Either you are not telling us the truth or you are simply pulling our leg. Lets hope you all have a quick and happy deportation and please dont come back to canada. Once you arrive in the eu lets hope you get deported to eratria. You deserve it for being a liar.


Full Member
Feb 15, 2011
Re: student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea?

macthepak said:
Poznomed. Are you crazy or are you simply nuts? You have eu passports yet claim asylum saying you are from eratria! Where is the logic? Either you are not telling us the truth or you are simply pulling our leg. Lets hope you all have a quick and happy deportation and please dont come back to canada. Once you arrive in the eu lets hope you get deported to eratria. You deserve it for being a liar.
Dont you know that people try all till they cant no more?it will be amazing to know where u originally comes from and where u said you said u come from.
I have regretted and leaving but pop into this forum to make my voice heard so others will be aware that its harsh when found out.


Hero Member
Feb 13, 2011
Re: student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea?

Stop talking nonsense! So your logic is try your best if you dont succeed than start lying?! Social social services need to keep a close eye on you and you kids i doubt you are fit parents! At least your presence in this forum has one positive effect people reading this thread will not make the same dumb lies as you did. Sorry if i am using blunt language but you need to understand you are lucky to have am eu passport!


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2010
Don't single out this poznomed,you'll be surprised to learn that most refugees are seasoned liars,the only thing that makes poznomed worse is the fact he was caught.The vast majority slips through the net ,they lie their way out and become decent citizens later on in life. They don't have to endure the processing time the Visa Offices impose on the rest of us. That's a fact of life for the simple reason that the truth will not stand any kind of scrutiny,the real refugees in need of help are still in Africa or Asia. Most of those who claim asylum are just economic migrants who could afford to travel in the first place.


Full Member
Feb 15, 2011
You have no idea how many people are here like me,i thought coming clean will teach my children a lesson instead of lying to let them lie.
Amongst all,i believe Canada is great but i need to sit here truthfully and nothing else.
I will surely try whatever i am given and if it all fail i will depart willingly.
UPDATES coming soon