May be that man forgot to tell that in UAE it’s zero intolerance for drink and drive whereas in Canada people roam freely even after drinking, so I agree he is not coming out of that culture.
May be he also forgot to tell that UAE is crime free and how much of that is prevelant here. That person will get used to it as he took risk of coming in here and no one invited him or forced him.
audacity gimp blender
I agree cultural fit plays an important factor even though people resist for some positive changes you intend to bring in society.
It’s not about taking chance but I see That the immigrants are over qualified and possess skills more than what they need to perform here that’s what put them in backseat.
My suggestion to some of friends have been to cut short their skill sets or else they will never get jobs as most of times companies cannot afford you and most of times the companies don’t deserve you. But still you have to earn living so cut short on skills you are including on your profile. HArd fact but have to live with it