Congratulations KLMY Bhai. U know that it is a final stage & now time to receive PPR. Why r u confused ?? Get ready to fly towards Canada. Pray for us.klmy said:Status changed to Decision Made...need prayers from all of u..really confused...MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF US
abrar.abyan said:Congratulations KLMY Bhai. U know that it is a final stage & now time to receive PPR. Why r u confused ?? Get ready to fly towards Canada. Pray for us.
congrats.By the mercy of ALMIGHTY ALLAH you have been confined your journey to canada.Get up for journey.klmy said:Status changed to Decision Made...need prayers from all of u..really confused...MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF US
Please change the listabrar.abyan said:Applicants NOC App Received PER AOR MR Status
1.Joyeta 1122 07-07-11 29-09-11 19-10-11 22-02-12 Visa Issued on 13-04-12
2.Shahriar.sumon 1122 08-07-11 28-10-11 N/A 14-05-12 Visa Issued on 24-08-12
3.Moyrzg 3131 08-07-11 04-10-11 24-10-11 14-11-12 Visa Issued on 20-02-13
4.Skillpharma 3131 25-07-11 24-10-11 14-11-11 19-11-12 Visa Issued on 25-05-13
5.BD Immigrants 3131 28-07-11 26-10-11 28-11-11 26-11-12 Visa Issued on 10-02-13
6.MS127 3131 09-08-11 03-11-11 06-12-11 03-12-12 Visa Issued on 25-02-13
7.Britto 2151 10-08-11 01-11-11 01-12-11 24-11-12 Visa Issued on 07-01-13
8.Akash Ento 2121 31-08-11 22-11-11 10-01-12 NO In Process
9. Hasanimam 3112 31-08-11 28-11-11 29-12-11 NO In Process
10.Geneontology 2121 12-09-11 12-12-11 03-01-12 NO In Process
11.Newborn 7216 30-09-11 22-12-11 N/A 29-11-12 Visa Issued on 10-05-13
12.HMU 3112 21-10-11 08-01-12 13-02-12 NO In Process
13.Dipu15 3142 24-10-11 13-01-12 09-02-12 NO In Process
14.MSE 2151 28-10-11 17-01-12 N/A NO In Process
15.STBT 3142 10-11-11 25-01-12 15-02-12 NO In Process
16.Myat 7242 01-12-11 09-02-12 27-02-12 NO In Process
17.Forhad 7241 02-12-11 00-01-12 00-02-12 NO In Process
18.Dhaka12 7216 21-12-11 23-02-12 N/A NO Transferred to AUVO on 08-05-13
19.Aditto 1233 07-01-12 27-02-12 19-03-12 27-05-13 Start process since 14-05-13
20.KLMY 3142 26-01-12 01-03-12 N/A 14-05-13 Start process since 08-05-13
21.mi3 3142 10-02-12 14-03-12 5-04-12 NO In Process
22.abrar.abyan 7242 08-03-12 26-03-12 N/A NO In Process
23.Spongebob 7242 12-03-12 27-03-12 20-04-12 NO In Process
24 Shohagbd 0113 11-04-12 11-06-12 11-07-12 NO In Process
25.gsahmad 7242 28-03-12 05-04-12 28-05-12 NO In Process
26.Shuvronil 7242 13-04-12 25-04-12 N/A NO In Process
27.Kazi Noor 7242 18-04-12 27-04-12 N/A NO In Process
28.Daffymom 7242 20-04-12 27-04-12 31-05-12 NO In Process
Alhamdulillah. Congrats. And finally a move for MI-3. Good. Very Good.klmy said:Status changed to Decision Made...need prayers from all of u..really confused...MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF US
Thanx a lot brother..still need ur prayers..forhad006 said:Alhamdulillah. Congrats. And finally a move for MI-3. Good. Very Good.
For you.....klmy said:Status changed to Decision Made...need prayers from all of u..really confused...MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF US
thanx HMU for ur wishes..m honored to read these comments..MAY ALLAH bless you always and make things easy for u..AMEENHMU said:Cong klmy always be an inspiration for us.wish you a safe journey to Canada.May Allah give you a happy life there.
thanx for ur wishes and ur turn..give us update..aditto said:For you.....
Prayer+Doa+best wishes+manot+hip hip hurrey & so many things... ;D ;D ;D
Who is next to get MR ????klmy said:thanx for ur wishes and ur turn..give us update..