First things first:
PCC: this link says it all, almost!! regarding, treasury challan, though they say any SONALI BANK, but in reality there are few branches that do accept treasury challan. Mohammadpur Bazar is one of them. so don't take any nearby branch as granted. u have to write 3 pages for each challan. the printable version is avaiable here: wwwDOTsonalibankDOTcomDOTbd/PDF_file/chalanDOTpdf
follow the instructions in the PCC requirements @ DMP website, the one stop service is very good though i am yet to receive my PCC as the token says that I'll get it on 23rd March so still waiting.
Dr. Wahab
House# 3, Road# 12
(880 2) 882-1454 (880-2) 882-7553
call them they'll tell u everything. 3000 BDT/ person, u require only passports & MR form. they have e-medical so no photographs required.
people having Diabetes & Hypertension will cost extra 1200 BDT.
this one is a really pisser!! docz requirement- the RPRF request & fee schedule +
01. initial application, that u sent to CIO where you & your family members have their names & passport no.s
02. passports
03. Marriage Certificate (seriously they need it!!)
04. Medical Request Form (if u've done e-medical, then MR+ passport size photo will do)
05. Medical Money Receipt
there will be 2 forms, that u'll have to fill up while in the bank.
take all the original documents (marriage certificate+money receipt etc.) bank will keep one copy and return u the original ones. Dhanmondi & Gulshan branch of SCB require these documents.