"ALLAH said dont look around because you will be impressed. Dont look down you will be impressed. Just look to me all the time & you will be blessed".
We have nothin to do except mercy of Almighty. May Allah bless us. May Allah Look at Singapore VO. May Allah Look at Canadian immigration system. Bless all of us.
Now the processing time is 26 months. After October, it will be 30 months....After January it will be 32 months & it will be increased in this way. Who can tell us that our file will be completed by 2014 (Now I'm not telling 2013, it is quite impossible)? I would happy if anyone confirm me about my file that it wil be completed by 2014. I cant see hope. No rays of light. We r most of the unfortunate ppl rather than MI-1. Now no way except to remember the above ayat.........."ALLAH said dont look around because you will be impressed. Dont look down you will be impressed. Just look to me all the time & you will be blessed".
Don get depressed..ALLAH is with us for sure...Still 5 months remaining till the end of 2013...