It was more a feeling of humiliation, like someone taking advantage because he/she is in a position of power, something quite Mexican unfortunately. I love my country, but I can see the negative points as well. The family issue was the same as yours. My wife's father is American/Canadian and had probation a while ago for something minor, but that made it very difficult to get a passport, and also the fact that they're not affluent so taking a week off work would've been very difficult for them. Ironically it took a Canadian (the hearing judge) to understand this. The guy was the most awesome person I've ever had the privilege of talking to, and if I knew how he looked like, I'd chase him down in Toronto to thank him and invite him to a Mexican restaurant

I'm not gonna lie, it's been very difficult for us, especially because she's not here, she only travels here like 2 or 3 times per year and stays for a little over a month. When she's here everything is perfect, but when she goes back sometimes there are periods when were fighting all the time, all couples fight and have arguments, but I guess this whole thing affects us a bit more. In the end though I think this has also solidified our relationship and has brought us closer to one another. I mean hell, if we're able to pull through this, everything else is child's play, right?