OhCanadiana, once again, you've been a tremendous help!!! THANK YOU
Alright, so all my questions were answered regarding the
IMM 1344 form

Btw, Yes I am a Canadian citizen, born & raised in Québec, and moved to Mexico in October 2011 to live with my husband, and am
not splitting my time between Mexico & Québec. I only intend on moving back to Québec
with my husband, once the sponsorship is approved.
Now for the
IMM 5540 form... Ohh boy, more questions...
Question #7 "Starting with your current employer, if applicable, give details of all employers you have worked for over the past five years" ...Yikes, I do not remember the 1st day of work for any of my jobs! Can I provide only the month + year?
Question #8 "Have you resided in countries other than Canada?" ...Err, only Mexico as of October 2011... so
"From" will be 06/10/11 and
"To" will be ?!?! There's no option for the word "present" ???
Question #11 "When do you plan to return to Canada to resume residency?" ...It's asking me for an exact date, but truth is: I only plan on moving back with my husband once his sponsorship is approved... So which date should I write down?
Question #11 "Where do you plan to live upon your return to Canada?" Jeez, do I really have to have a new Québec address already?!?
Question #11 "Provide proof of your intention to re-establish in Canada" ...I've got SQUAT! ??? I mean, there's just no way I'm gonna find myself a new apartment + a new job
before even applying for the sponsorship and
while being out of the country! That's just not realistic!
And finally, my last question... is the
IMM 5540 form the one where I have to attach all the printed pictures + printed emails + printed MSN conversations + relationship support letters, etc etc? And will I need to re-submit all of that same stuff (pics, emails, etc) to Québec...or will the Federal forward it to Québec?