edgarsitow said:
I know it's only been two weeks since I requested my FBI police clearance, but I'm getting very impatient! It feels like an eternity, especially because I'm 90% sure that will be the last document I need. I just wish they would hurry up, but with the timeline being 5 - 6 weeks, it's a torture
I totally understand you. In pre-emptive strike, we went ahead and requested a new FBI in mid-June, "just in case". The BF date of June 30 came and went, and still not a peep from CIC. I realize we are SOOOOO close, but with still no word, "soon" seems like it might as well be light years away. As hard as the waiting game at the beginning part of the application was, I have to say sitting in the home stretch with no clear sign of the finish line is much worse! My zen is definitely MIA at the moment.
September is our magic month too. We were married Sept 13 2010 and we are hoping and praying that our second anniversary will be celebrated together in Canada. Like you, we have also put the idea of another trip to Mexico on the back burner - the travel costs have mounted, and vacation time is stretched. Plus I really want to save a bit of that vacation time so we can enjoy a little time off together after he eventually arrives in Toronto
It seems a September landing would be a dream come true for both of us, Edgar

I'm cheering for you!