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Hero Member
Sep 11, 2008
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 19 2009
Doc's Request.
April 26, 2012, ARC Request on August 31, 2012
File Transfer...
14 October 2009 to Mexico City (Original) April 04, 2012 (re-processing after appeal allowed)
Med's Request
April 26, 2012
Med's Done....
September 07, 2009 (Original) April 30, 2012 (After appeal allowed)
March 23, 2010 DENIED, Filed appeal September 2010
Passport Req..
November 05, 2012
November 06, 2012
November 17, 2012
gricelanora said:
thank you for sharing what happen, sorry to hear all that they have put you through, in regards to my case i don't know what to expect... i mean everything is so out the ordinary of what everyone has receive, i have had no response to any emails. nothing makes sense.....

edgar when your wife went for the appeal, did they ask your wife for you to be present as well i mean via phone.. or was it your decision.
Technically no, they didn't ask nor was it a requirement. However they went on a 15 minute coffee break (You know those Canadians and their breaks every two hours! haha) and they told my wife to go buy a calling card, because they would be calling me "unexpectedly" she did text me to let me know that they were planning to call me, so I could be near the phone.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2011
Thankyou for your reply Edgar, I have another question for u, do I need to be present with my husband at the interview because presently I'm in Canada, n about the two persons I meant was that in your previous post u mentioned that there is a women in her early thirties and another is a men who interview the applicants, u sed to avoid the women so that's why I asked if we have a choice.. And please can you tell me what kind of question did they ask you about the refugee claim and what possible questions they can ask about the refugee claim? Do they interview in Spanish or English?? And if I don't need to be present for the interview, will they call me to interview me as well??


Hero Member
Sep 11, 2008
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 19 2009
Doc's Request.
April 26, 2012, ARC Request on August 31, 2012
File Transfer...
14 October 2009 to Mexico City (Original) April 04, 2012 (re-processing after appeal allowed)
Med's Request
April 26, 2012
Med's Done....
September 07, 2009 (Original) April 30, 2012 (After appeal allowed)
March 23, 2010 DENIED, Filed appeal September 2010
Passport Req..
November 05, 2012
November 06, 2012
November 17, 2012
sad143 said:
Thankyou for your reply Edgar, I have another question for u, do I need to be present with my husband at the interview because presently I'm in Canada, n about the two persons I meant was that in your previous post u mentioned that there is a women in her early thirties and another is a men who interview the applicants, u sed to avoid the women so that's why I asked if we have a choice.. And please can you tell me what kind of question did they ask you about the refugee claim and what possible questions they can ask about the refugee claim? Do they interview in Spanish or English?? And if I don't need to be present for the interview, will they call me to interview me as well??
Ah okay. Got it.

Nope, you don't have to be present, as a matter of fact I don't even think you can. The interview will be with your husband and that's it. And lol, that was a joke, you can't really choose who interviews you :( . Your husband will only interviewed once and that totally depends on luck.

Was your husband deported? Did he have to get the PRRA? If so they will ask him why didn't he leave Canada when he was supposed to, why did he go in the first place, things like those. Mind you I was a minor when all this happened, but apparently telling this woman that I had no control over my life as a teenager and that I was just following he who feeds me (my dad) wasn't enough. I guess she wanted me to leave the country and go live on my own in Mexico! LOL.

I specifically requested for my interview to be in English, I have native fluency in both English and Spanish (and a handful other languages) and as a matter of fact I feel that I express myself a lot better in English, given that the language is a bit more straightforward than Spanish, but that didn't matter, they interviewed me in Spanish -_- lame!
And no, they won't call you. The only time when they called me was at the Appeal Hearing. I've honestly never heard of someone that got called for a spousal sponsorship, at least not from Mexico.



Full Member
Aug 7, 2011
Edgar thankyou again for taking the time and replying :). My husband got a departure order which became a deportation and yes my husband did the prra... I just hope that he doesn't get anybody rude to interview him..it's a little insane that the interview is basically to see if the relationship is genuine but instead they ask more questions about the refugee claim...I just hope everything goes well. It really helps to get some support from you and this forum..thanks a lot

Americana In T.O.

Star Member
Jan 25, 2012
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
24/08/2012 YAY!!!
canadiangirl78 said:
Did you write a letter explaining the situation and requesting Mexico? Or did they just go by your answers on the regular forms. I wonder if they changed the procedure or messed up with our first app by sending it to buffalo.
Everything was based on the way we completed the regular forms. I believe it asked which visa office we wanted to send it to.


Champion Member
Mar 1, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 21
AOR Received.
Mississauga: May 10, Mexico: June 4
File Transfer...
May 16
Med's Done....
Dec 21, 2011
Passport Req..
July 6
July 13
August 2, 2012
Americana In T.O. said:
Everything was based on the way we completed the regular forms. I believe it asked which visa office we wanted to send it to.


Star Member
Mar 4, 2012
its official :'( :'( :'(

just spoke to hubby,...... where do i go to get an appeal form .they game my husband a copy of the letter i was suppost to receive in the mail.where do i get the form that i have to fill out to appeal......... god i m so sad right now... even though i was kind of expecting it... it is never great knowing it for sure.....please someone let me know


Hero Member
Dec 20, 2010
Puerto Vallarta
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
gricelanora said:
its official :'( :'( :'(

just spoke to hubby,...... where do i go to get an appeal form .they game my husband a copy of the letter i was suppost to receive in the mail.where do i get the form that i have to fill out to appeal......... god i m so sad right now... even though i was kind of expecting it... it is never great knowing it for sure.....please someone let me know
So sorry to hear that Grice :( I hope the forum can be lots of help during this next phase of immigration.
Was the reason only because there was missing forums?

I could be wrong but i think someone posted the link to the forums a few pages back.


Hero Member
Sep 11, 2008
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 19 2009
Doc's Request.
April 26, 2012, ARC Request on August 31, 2012
File Transfer...
14 October 2009 to Mexico City (Original) April 04, 2012 (re-processing after appeal allowed)
Med's Request
April 26, 2012
Med's Done....
September 07, 2009 (Original) April 30, 2012 (After appeal allowed)
March 23, 2010 DENIED, Filed appeal September 2010
Passport Req..
November 05, 2012
November 06, 2012
November 17, 2012
gricelanora said:
its official :'( :'( :'(

just spoke to hubby,...... where do i go to get an appeal form .they game my husband a copy of the letter i was suppost to receive in the mail.where do i get the form that i have to fill out to appeal......... god i m so sad right now... even though i was kind of expecting it... it is never great knowing it for sure.....please someone let me know
I'm sorry to hear that gricelanora :(

Was there a reason in particular? Don't worry we're here to help. I have the copies in my email. Send me an email to mof_kegachos@hotmail.com and I'll send you the attachments with the forms and instructions so you can file your appeal.


Star Member
Mar 4, 2012
my hubby says that is in English, his English is not that great.....so i have to wait when he sends it to me, we send alot of staff to prove our relationship its real....the cartilla issue really screw us up, i was suppose to get a copy but there is nothing in the mail. should i send a email because ten days have already pass i don't want to lose the chance to appeal....


Hero Member
Sep 11, 2008
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 19 2009
Doc's Request.
April 26, 2012, ARC Request on August 31, 2012
File Transfer...
14 October 2009 to Mexico City (Original) April 04, 2012 (re-processing after appeal allowed)
Med's Request
April 26, 2012
Med's Done....
September 07, 2009 (Original) April 30, 2012 (After appeal allowed)
March 23, 2010 DENIED, Filed appeal September 2010
Passport Req..
November 05, 2012
November 06, 2012
November 17, 2012
gricelanora said:
my hubby says that is in English, his English is not that great.....so i have to wait when he sends it to me, we send alot of staff to prove our relationship its real....the cartilla issue really screw us up, i was suppose to get a copy but there is nothing in the mail. should i send a email because ten days have already pass i don't want to lose the chance to appeal....
The cartilla? what does that have to do with it? My wife never got a copy either, so she just used my copy and sent them a letter explaining that she never got hers. Just wait until your husband sends you the info and then file the appeal, shouldn't take more than a day or two.


Star Member
Mar 4, 2012
edgar seens you went through this already did you had an actual hearing or was it a alternative dispute resolution, can you choose or they dont give you a choice for that .....


Hero Member
Sep 11, 2008
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 19 2009
Doc's Request.
April 26, 2012, ARC Request on August 31, 2012
File Transfer...
14 October 2009 to Mexico City (Original) April 04, 2012 (re-processing after appeal allowed)
Med's Request
April 26, 2012
Med's Done....
September 07, 2009 (Original) April 30, 2012 (After appeal allowed)
March 23, 2010 DENIED, Filed appeal September 2010
Passport Req..
November 05, 2012
November 06, 2012
November 17, 2012
gricelanora said:
edgar seens you went through this already did you had an actual hearing or was it a alternative dispute resolution, can you choose or they dont give you a choice for that .....
To tell you the truth I'm not sure haha! I THINK (emphasize "Think") It was an ADR, since it was fairly informal, most cases are solved by an ADR. Depending on the reason, it shouldn't be too hard to win the appeal (at least mine wasn't) the only issue is time :/ Where in Canada do you live?