Just to share my experience with you.
I was informed by London VO in the month of AUG that they will send the PPR not before DEC/JAN11, so by mid DEC I sent them a queiry about the PPR request which they did not reply to for 3 weeks. Then on Jan the 11th I sent them another query which they replied to it by the 14th of JAN saying that they have sent me the PPR by mail, and they attached the PPR by e-mail.

Just to let you all know that until this day I haven't received that letter by mail, but thank God that I sent them another query and did not give up, otherwise I probably would have missed my 45 days dead line, and I would have still been waiting for that letter.

So bottom line don't just check you e-mail, but also check your mail box cause some people are getting a letter through post, and others are getting it by mail, so be on the safe side and check both.
Another advice is don't wait if they did not come back to you wait for another week and send them another query, keep following up on your PPR,.
Wishing you all the best and good luck