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Medical, Security, Criminal Check Question (surrounding Family)


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Aug 25, 2013
Ontario Canada (as a visitor)
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Hello everyone!

Im a little confused on something, my fiance and I will be getting married soon, I'll be returning to the US (Arizona) to do the immigration process
outland (my fiance is from Ontario) I just read on the CIC website this, to which confused me some

"If you are outside Canada: The people you sponsor must also tell us about each of their close family members. These family members must have a security and criminality check and a medical exam. If they do not, the sponsored person will not be able to sponsor them in the future."

I live with my mother, she's really the only family I have other then my child who lives with their father. Does this mean that my mom (and possibly my son too) Must have medical and criminal checks to? They will not be coming to Canada, they are not going to be involved at all in this immigration process. If they must also get these medical/criminal checks, then what defines a family member as "Close"

Sorry for my ignorance if I've completely misunderstood this. Thank you for your time and input! :)


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you mum wont have to but your son will if he is under the age of 19. Meaning if he is a dependent weather or not he is coming to Canada he will require a medical and if over 18 a criminal back ground check.


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yay a fellow Arizonian!


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Jack_Scarlett said:
Ok thank you for clearing that up!
Don't forget to fill in the additional family information form , plus declaration form even for non accompany i forgot that one and it cost us two months delay. Photos also required for non accompany.I think its stupid but we have to do it.


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Aug 25, 2013
Ontario Canada (as a visitor)
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Ok, got it!

Also on a un related note, how much does it cost to sponsorship from within Canada? (My fiance and i are thinking of doing it from Within Canada now) I know its $75 for the application fee and $550 for the sponsorship but there is also a principle application fee too of $475 , not sure if that also is apart of it? Thanks again :)


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Jack_Scarlett said:
Ok, got it!

Also on a un related note, how much does it cost to sponsorship from within Canada? (My fiance and i are thinking of doing it from Within Canada now) I know its $75 for the application fee and $550 for the sponsorship but there is also a principle application fee too of $475 , not sure if that also is apart of it? Thanks again :)
Applying inland would be a MASSIVE mistake. Outland American applications are zipping through Ottawa at the moment; many are being approved in only 3-4 months, compare that to 13 months just for 1st stage approval in an inland app. There is absolutely no advantage (and no price difference, it costs the exact same) to applying inland.

You can still be in Canada while an outland app processes.


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Aug 25, 2013
Ontario Canada (as a visitor)
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I agree, the *only* down side for me applying outland is then I would have to get my son a medical exam, he lives with his father (we dont have any legal write ups, just one with a notary that we have agreed on, that he will live in the US. Thing is tho, if i apply from in Canada but do it outland, wouldn't I still need to get my son a medical exam? (even tho he will not be coming to Canada, other then visits?) He is a minor btw.

While his father is reliable, he might not take him to get the medical (even if i paid) its a tricky situation with my ex. We're on good standing, but he doesnt want to do anything to help me out when it comes to my new fiance. Understandable so, but still makes for a bit of a hard situation at times.

Unless I'm confused, From my understanding my child would only need the medical exam IF Im applying from Outland. If applying Inland, he does not need it? I have this correct?


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Jack_Scarlett said:
I agree, the *only* down side for me applying outland is then I would have to get my son a medical exam, he lives with his father (we dont have any legal write ups, just one with a notary that we have agreed on, that he will live in the US. Thing is tho, if i apply from in Canada but do it outland, wouldn't I still need to get my son a medical exam? (even tho he will not be coming to Canada, other then visits?) He is a minor btw.

While his father is reliable, he might not take him to get the medical (even if i paid) its a tricky situation with my ex. We're on good standing, but he doesnt want to do anything to help me out when it comes to my new fiance. Understandable so, but still makes for a bit of a hard situation at times.

Unless I'm confused, From my understanding my child would only need the medical exam IF Im applying from Outland. If applying Inland, he does not need it? I have this correct?
i've never heard of this. i believe if you have a dependant listed on your application, then they must provide a medical exam whether they are accomanying or not. perhaps you are mistakenly thinking inland medicals do not need to be submitted upfront, and outland apps do? Or you are thinking if the child is the child of a canadian sponsor, then they do not need to be on the application? I can't see how cic would approve a sponsorship without a valid medical exam. it is part of the requirement.

if your ex refuses for the child to NOT get a medical exam, then I believe the dependant will need to be excluded from current and future sponsorship. This means you are essentially giving up your rights to sponsor your child at any time in the future. CIC takes this very seriously, and this is one of the noted reasons for US applications getting sent to the LA office and for interviews to be called, which will cause a delay in processing for sure. There are many us applicants going through this right now. Even with this delay in processing, it is probably still quicker to apply outland than inland. Currently *i think* recent applicants who receive interview notices get a date before or close to the 12 month mark.

DO NOT apply inland just because you think your son does not need a medical. you will for sure will be making a mistake and will regret it in the long run when you find out your assumption was wrong. your best bet right now is to make an appointment for your son, pay for it and take him to the exam or ask your ex to compy with your request. otherwise, you are more likely than not causing yourself a whole lot of trouble that may not be necessary. IF he refuses, then you will need to plan accordingly and hope CIC picks up the pace on applications with dependant issues.


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Aug 25, 2013
Ontario Canada (as a visitor)
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Ok thank you for clearing that up. See, my child lives full time with his father. We only have documentation through a notary of our agreement on that. His father will not let him move to Canada, so my fiance cannot sponsor him (we eventually plan to have my fiance move to the US when our fiances are a little better as the US immigration process is a bit trickier then the Canadian immigration process) Since he lives with his father full time, his father lists him as a dependent. I dont list him as a dependent since he does not live with me, and will not be able to move to Canada anytime soon. So unfortunately, My fiance does not have intentions to sponsor my son. (In the future as i said, my fiance and I would like to live in the states so I can be near my family..but thats a little ways down the road) However, with this knowledge I think the best would be for me to go ahead and get him that medical so that way if things change, I can bring him here...as that's what i truly want. I dont want the door to be closed on him over a fee of a medical exam, not to mention it does seem to alert red flags to immigration which can cause more issues. I appreciate your input!

The reason why I thought that a medical exam was not needed IF applying from Within Canada was because of the way it was worded in the paragraph I posted above from the CIC website.

"If you are outside Canada: The people you sponsor must also tell us about each of their close family members. These family members must have a security and criminality check and a medical exam. If they do not, the sponsored person will not be able to sponsor them in the future."

It says "If you are outside" Canada" That led me to believe that only if you are applying outside canada, The children/child would need a medical.

Im so sorry if im confusing anyone. I get confused easily sometimes lol :p


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Jack_Scarlett said:
"If you are outside Canada: The people you sponsor must also tell us about each of their close family members. These family members must have a security and criminality check and a medical exam. If they do not, the sponsored person will not be able to sponsor them in the future."

It says "If you are outside" Canada" That led me to believe that only if you are applying outside canada, The children/child would need a medical.

Im so sorry if im confusing anyone. I get confused easily sometimes lol :p
i don't think that's what that means, though i could be wrong an an expert will come along to elaborate. also, what is highlighted sounds like it's referencing if the sponsor was outside of canada. it really depends where you are finding this language. inland and outland have different processing, so the guides and info may be different. inland sponsors and applicants are not outside of canada, so i don't see how that language could apply. i'm pretty sure, no matter which way you apply, if you are an applicant or dependant, a medical exam is necessary.


Champion Member
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you have to have a medical for your son weather he lives with you or not or as rhcohen said your application will definitely be delayed.Inside outside don't matter it has to be done . My step son has no intention of coming to Canada and he don't live with my husband but he had to have every thing done also. They only thing we didn't have to do was pay a fee. He will also need photos , copy of his birth certificate and if he has a passport a copy of that too.


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Jack_Scarlett said:
Since he lives with his father full time, his father lists him as a dependent. I dont list him as a dependent since he does not live with me,

However, with this knowledge I think the best would be for me to go ahead and get him that medical so that way if things change, I can bring him here...as that's what i truly want. I dont want the door to be closed on him over a fee of a medical exam, not to mention it does seem to alert red flags to immigration which can cause more issues.
It doesn't matter if he lives with his father; he is still your legal dependent.

As said above, it doesn't matter whether you apply inland or outland or whether the child is coming or not coming to Canada. He is required to undergo a medical and be listed in the application as your dependent.

If the father refuses to allow him to have the medical, you will need to try to document his refusal. You will have to submit this proof along with a notarized declaration stating that you understand that by not undergoing a medical, your child is forever excluded from the family class and you will never be able to sponsor him.

And yes, if he doesn't have the medical and needs to be excluded, this will delay your app. CIC doesn't like to exclude a child from the family class because of the issues the result if a parent changes their mind in the future.