I was received by e. mail as i sin front of u all.
Regards `
Dear Applicant:
All immigrants and certain categories of visitors who are seeking admission to Canada must satisfy Canada's medical admissibility criteria. In order to determine your medical admissibility to Canada, you and all of your dependant family members (if applicable) are required to undergo a medical examination. This examination is required whether or not your dependents will accompany you to Canada.
Enclosed you will find Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Medical Report form(s). The medical examination must be performed by one of the physicians listed on the CIC "List of Designated Medical Practitioners " (i.e. doctors). If possible, all family members should be examined by the same doctor.
The latest version of the Medical Report consists of five sections, A to E. You have only received Section A, "Client Identification and Summary." Sections B to E of the Medical Report form are for use by a medical doctor and are provided to physicians by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Health Services.
The medical examination must be performed by one of the licensed physicians shown on the "List of Designated Medical Practitioners" (i.e. doctors). To access this list, please refer to our website: All family members should be examined by the same doctor. If you, or any of your dependents are outside of your home country for an extended period of time, you may see another Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP).
You should make arrangements to undergo the required medical examination immediately. Failure to do so within 30 days of this notice will result in unnecessary delays in the processing of your application.
There are other important instructions listed on the back of this page. Please be sure to read them carefully. Your medical examination reports and X-rays must be sent by the Designated Medical Practitioner to the following address:
Overseas Health Management Services
High Commission of Canada / Haut-commissariat du Canada
MacDonald House
38 Grosvenor Street
London, England W1K 4AA
Thank you for your cooperation.
Immigration Section
1. All fees related to this medical examination are your responsibility.
2. Please bring the following to your medical appointment:
▪ two recent colour passport size photographs of each family member
▪ eye glasses (if applicable), list of prescription drugs taken or any relevant medical report(s)
▪ original passport(s) or other proof of identity
3. An applicant who has passed his or her 11th birthday must obtain a standard X-ray film of the chest with a radiologist’s report. An X-ray film of the chest and radiologist’s report is required for children under the age of 11 years if the medical history or clinical examination of the child indicates there is a need, or if there is evidence of tuberculosis in the family.
4. The issuance of these instructions does not constitute acceptance of your application. You should not make any commitments related to the application until your case has been concluded. DO NOT DISPOSE OF PROPERTY OR EFFECTS, OR GIVE UP EMPLOYMENT OR ACCOMMODATION OR TAKE OTHER SIMILAR STEPS TOWARDS YOUR PROPOSED MIGRATION OR VISIT UNTIL YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN FINALIZED.
5. IMPORTANT: Immigration medical results are only valid for 12 months from the date of the examination. If you have been notified that you will be required to attend a personal interview at a visa office, you should not/not schedule medical examination(s) until you have received your interview notice. This will reduce the risk of expiry of medical results before completion of the processing of your application.
6. It is possible that after the completion of your medical examination and submission of reports, further tests or reports may be requested.
7. It is recommended, and a decided advantage to all applicants, that routine immunizations for all children and adults be initiated or completed before departure for Canada, and where available, immunization records should be brought to Canada. This has many advantages for the applicant. For instance, a number of Canadian provinces require presentation of such records when children or adults enroll in school.
8. To avoid unnecessary delays, please ensure that the physician:
___ answers all questions in Sections B through E of their Medical Report form; ___ attaches original lab results; and
___ forwards original chest x-ray(s) [DO NOT ROLL] to the address below:
Overseas Health Management Services
High Commission of Canada / Haut-commissariat du Canada
MacDonald House
38 Grosvenor Street
London, England W1K 4AA
*** If the Designated Medical Practitioner does not have Sections B to E of the Medical Report Form (six pages) he/she may obtain them by writing to the address above. ***
Case Processing Pilot - Ottawa | Centre de Traitement Pilote - Ottawa - 17
Citizenship and Immigration Canada | Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada
219 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa ON K1A 1L1 | 219 avenue Laurier Ouest
7th Floor | 7ème étage, Section B
Ottawa ON K1A 1L1 Canada
Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-946-6059
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Désistement : En fournissant votre adresse électronique, vous établissez une communication par voie électronique avec CIC et, par conséquent, CIC est autorisé à utiliser l'adresse électronique fournie à cette fin, y compris pour la transmission de renseignements personnels au sujet de votre dossier/cas