Bonuck hey there. Thank you for responding. I had issues withy my internet at home so please excuse my delayed response. It does make sense to send 2-4 emails for each month then, that's what we thought would be sufficient-we do have over 1200 emails between the two of us. As for the letters, I see your point. It makes sense that, friends or family write from their hearts and not some scripted letters. We figured about 5 fromthe wifes and maybe another 5 from my (side friends and family included) you think?
The cover letter is something my wife and I are working on right now. She'll write one and so will I. I think if I keep it two pages minimum that should suffice. All great suggestions though. We've have found a lawyer too, so am hoping he will be of great "help" and NOT just chew our funds-grrrh.
~Why we expect an interview. Well, based on my medical record that, I have to explain (again). I think It will be fair for the IO to want to know what is the deal with my results don't you think? I don't have an issue with it it's just that, I have to think as though there will be one that way am mentally "ready" somethinmg I learnt in the military lol. Plus, its both my wife and I's second sure many who have had second marriages probably get screened alot more. Anyway, its just me and my way of thinking I guess, but if the interview can be avoided, that's even better on all fronts.
Thanks all the same, and I'll keep posting updates as we go.