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Medical Dilemna...any input is welcome.


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
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Thank you WWVET, as you said it was a huge relief, now I am living with my husband in Windsor, what a nice town.
Congrats for your marriage, best wishes for a happy marriage life with your wife. As other told you, you have to arm yourself with research and info, and to have an answer to any question that might rise during the medical test or in the application. Try to make your application strong with proof, info, research; don't worry about the size or the weight of the package.
Concerning the lawyer, I don't know, I will be neutral in this, because my experience with my lawyer was bad, he took my application for granted, he didn’t work as we need him, I was the one who in the end did all the research to know what to do...but that doesn't means that all lawyer are like this. But, arm yourself with knowledge, if you are going to use a lawyer, which means, don't count on him or on what he says, as plain truth, make sure everything he says is right, and is the best thing to do in your case. When we went to the lawyer, he starts talking, and since we were ignorant back then, me and my husband, we agreed on everything he said, without any question or research...and that was our major mistake that we will never forget.
We are here to help you with any question, my best wishes for a smooth procedure.


Full Member
May 3, 2009
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thanks rorita_76. glad to hear you're settling in well. I understand the lawyer situation and will do some research on that as well. i guess my concern is, answering certain questions on tha application itself and eventually for the interview that wiil follow.
as a side question, are there any CIC forms i HAVE take to the DMP when doing my medicals or will that be avalable there already for me to fiil out and sign?


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
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yes you need a form to take to DMP, called appendix C, here is the link , as well you will need picture in a specific size, all you need is in this link:


In my case, the lawyer prepared it for me and give it to me to take it to the medical test, so I don't know if it is availble there


Star Member
Jul 6, 2009
me and my bf looked into asking a lawyer for help, but were discouraged by the prices as well and figured that it wasn't really necessary in our case. We did find out, though, that there are a lot of organizations in Canada that help with the immigration process. They also provide legal help. Sometimes even for free, I think. Call the Immigration Hotline and they should be able to give it to you.
BTW, I only paid about CAD 140 for my medical exam with all the lab work and x-rays. Maybe you should get it done in Canada...
Take care.


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May 3, 2009
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Yes rorita_76, you right, thank you very much. I went to the link and printed out appendix C form. It clearly says to take the form to the medical exam and yet when I repeatedly asked the front office lady at the DMP's office, she only mentioned the photos, passport and $$$.$$. I'll fill it out before I go there next week. Again, thanks...it's wonder how one can misread some of these instructions you know:). I had my pictures taken at kinkos, they are cut for passport, so I came home and cut them to meet the specific sizes required-I think I did better than the cutting machine they were using, he he he.

@ OneLuckyCookie hi, I can see how discouraging these lawyer fees can be. My wife and I feel the same but our situation is a bit complex and I think it will be in our best interest to have some representation during interview. For now, we're starting the process of looking for a good one and also having most if not all the documentation ready. I have also heard a bit about free legal aid but I think you have to be in Canada already, don't you? My wife is in Canada though I can't travel yet, am in the U.S and I wish I could do my medicals somewhere cheaper. But it's ok, I've set some funds aside just for the medicals, I just hope I won't have to go back there (DMP's) for anything. You mentioned your boyfriend, are you sponsoring him? By the way I'll be doing my application through NEWYORK office. Thank you for your input and good luck to you as well my dear.


Star Member
Jul 6, 2009
I don't think both of you have to be in Canada. It would just be much easier... =) Whenever we have questions one of us calls the hotline or one of the organizations that help with immigration and we get our questions answered. I just use Skype to call Canada. That way it is rather affordable. =)
It is actually my boyfriend who is sponsoring me. I m applying through Berlin, Germany. Thanks for the luck. =) Good luck to you, too!


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
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WWVET you welcome, My best wishes for a smooth procedure, concerning the pics, make sure that with the required cutting size , the head size is right as well.
I will give you an idea about lawyer fees, in my case the lawyer asked for 4500 US Dollar, and there were extra fees as well.
When you go to the medical test, take your own medical test, doctor info...they will ask for all these.
Good luck.


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May 3, 2009
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@ oneluckycookie, I'll surely look into that option. I have never actually used skype but if this would save me some calling card money, great. By any chance, do you have the numbers for any of the free legal assitance in canada?

@rorita_76, this is what I (did-don't laugh at me) I printed the page from the CIC site which has the measurments and the little demo picture and I cut out the little image they have. I then glued it to a card board like paper (hard paper), cut the excess and just placed my passport photos and cut off the edges. I was matching up my head/face image to the little cut out. It seems like a lot of work but it only took me about fifteen minutes to do all 6 as opposed to retaking the photos again. I think they came out ok and should be a problem. as for the lawyer fees, wow you paid quite a bit. I have been quoted 3200 USD so far and we're still looking before we decided. I swear, these lawyers making a killing...but I guess somebody as to interpret the "law" for most of us. Yes, I'll take everything I have to the DMP and am hopeful that it will go well.
Thanks for wishing me luck friends, it means a lot.


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
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WWVET...I didn't laught at all, good for you that you did that.
I think you will be ok in the medical test, take everything you have. About the lawyer, well yes he took a lot and wasn't that help, in the end I was doing all the research, but it is what it is. Make research about lawyer, and find one that suite your file and your budget.
Best wishes, and keep us update , and we are here for any question or advice.


Star Member
Jul 6, 2009
I have been looking for the numbers ever since my first comment on your thread, but have been unable to find them. I will ask my boyfriend and he will hopefully have the link somewhere... Until then, good luck!


Full Member
May 3, 2009
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thanks rorita_76, you're truly a pillar of support and all you guys who participate. I promise, you guys have no idea how much your help is appreciated, really! I think am just a little nervous about the medical exam and how much of a delay it will potentially put on my application (atleast that's what i expect).

@cookie, thank you, that's so kind of you. I will defintely keep you guys posted. somehow, I always feel better everytime I caome and read various posted on different topicss. This is a wonderful community.


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May 3, 2009
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thanks cookie, am sure this will come in handy. thank you thank you ;)


Full Member
May 3, 2009
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Ok, so did medicals yesterday and here's my story. My appt was for 130pm, even though i got there at 1pm. The doctor didn't see me till 430pm. I was pissed but I guess I had no choice. They did ask for the photos (6), passport, and had to fill out all the forms provided. When the doctor finally came through, it didnt take long before I was outta there. I did speak openly about my concerns and issues, and he (doctor) assured me that I was ok, and will be ok. After checking everything, he was "impressed' how healthy I was, like am supposed to be coughing up blood and just sick looking (i didn't quite take that compliment well, i don't know...its just me though). Anyway, I did xray, blood test, urine sample, throat, mouth checked, weight, height, eyes, chest, ears, made me cough several times, checked blood pressure, pulse, and just asked basic health questions. For the record, i did show all the previous tests i've done and all the immunization documents from my local health dept including TB test I did 3 years ago and all. I was pretty prepared, thanks to all you who gave encouragement and advice. I did present the filled out appendix c form which they kept with my medical file. they gave me a reciept I can't remember the title name of the document now as I have put the stuff away but it had one of my passport size photos. And now I see why the photos have to be that size, because I looked at where they are attached it, the actual passport sized phot would be too wide, they also put a stamp of the canadian maple leaf on part of the photo. I was told it will be another couple of weeks before my file gets sent to buffalo office as they await the blood and xray stuff to get back to the doctors office. The nurse took down my email address and noted it with my file- when I asked why,they will email me with the tracking number once the file is sent to buffalo. I guess it will help me to track it down incase it gets "lost" somewhere as I have heard weird stories about medical files missing and all. My visit wasn't too bad of an experience. I had spent the whole damn day dealing with this as I had to drive 4 hours to and 4 hours from, plus another 3-4 hours at the doctors office. I was told I didn't have to go back for anything, (thank God) that was a $445 medical exam. Yes, that's how much I was asked to pay, good thing is I took $500 just in case. So for those of you who hasven't done it yet, call the DMP ahead of time to get all the details before your appt day. When I asked for a break down of the charges, the clerk said there was no way to do it "that's just what it costs." I swear, these people are making money of these medicals man. I was too tired and hungry to spend another minute there so , i just got my reciepts and the rest of my stuff and left. But thanks for the encouragement guys, and I'll keep you posted on our next step. bye for now.