I considered that maybe this whole hold up/screw up was because we should have applied for a Temporary Tax Number from Revenue Canada and file a return for my husband for 2011, but according to Revenue Canada, in order to do this, he would have had to been a non-resident for 183 days in 2011. My husband was only here for less than 4 months in 2011, so he wouldn't be considered a deemed resident for 2011 for tax purposes.
I received a letter from Revenue Canada yesterday. It says that they cannot process my re-calculation because we didn't include my husband's SIN number. They are requesting a copy of one of a visitor's record, a copy of passport photo page, a driver's license, birth certificate or temp resident permit. They are also requesting his date of entry into Canada, his world income converted to Canadian dollars and a completed marital status change form.
The part that makes me scream is that attached to this letter they sent back all my documents which included EVERYTHING they asked for if they just flipped through the pages that they had IN THEIR HANDS, they would have seen everything was there. I sent a copy of his visitor's record, a copy of his birth certificate, a copy of his passport photo page, the date of entry in my letter to them which included his world income converted, for 2010 and 2011. I even sent both IRS income tax returns as proof where I got his amount of net income from. It was all there...they had it in their hands and chose not to look at it.
I made a copy of the letter and the package of documents that they sent back to me and emailed it to my MP, but still nothing from them yet. I wrote and packaged up a formal complaint to Revenue Canada for bad service, but I'm going to wait just in case my MP or his minions will look into this matter this week. At least on the letter they sent to me there was a name of a person who had the documents but failed to look at them. It makes me angry that taxpayers are paying their salary and they aren't doing their job!