swervetech69 said:
I agree that there are some painful circumstances such as you described, but who knows how common that is. If congical relationships are the same as marriages then why get married? Marriage nowdays is still the strongest way to legally prove a comittment, espically when outside of Canada.
Because for some people it's simply not something they want to do or part of their belief system. Even here in Canada the choice of a common law union over marriage has been growing for the past few decades (http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/marriage/). That article is from 2005 and at that time 30% of couples in Quebec were common law. I have been in Quebec for over 1.5 yrs now, and I would argue that it's much higher than that, and there is definitely a cultural aversion by many to marriage. When my husband chose to marry me a lot of his friends and family asked him why he was getting married at age 30, before he had children with me or we had lived together for 10 or 15 yrs. For us marriage made sense, it was something we wanted, but it was considered a unique choice by many we know.
My point is, I think it's important that the Canadian government recognize that even amongst its own population there are many people choosing not to get married, yet to live together, start families, and in all other ways function as a married couple would. Even though I'm married, I'm glad that the Canadian government is not in the business of forcing an agenda of marriage on anyone who wishes to immigrate to be with their partner.
As for conjugal relationships, as was already pointed out they're an important exception for people not able to be married or live together yet still have a strong and very real commitment to each other.
I don't think it's our place or the government's to judge people simply because they have chosen not to get married. I think it's important that the government find the relationship to be real before allowing the person to immigrate, but I for one am glad that Canada is a country that lets its residents decide how to live in their relationships and express their love for one another.