I have been reading everyone's post and I have decided to state my opinion as well...
I have met someone through the net, facebook to be exact... my first husband who I knew since I was 14 and dated for one year then decided to live with for two years after this then finally married him and was married to for 16 years and had a child from. He decided the grass was greener on the other side and had an affair with someone which I found out and told him to leave with my heart broke beyond belief then 11 months after I left him he died. So first knowing someone since kids and the same cultures and our families knew each other, one of my relatives was married to his relative, this doesn't mean a thing.
After this I was single at 38 never worked much before so I got a full time job made friends and started to go out only to find out that all the men I met wanted one thing, and it wasn't a lasting relationship one even had a commonlaw wife and thought I wouldn't find out and I hadn't dated him yet. There is no one in our own country to protect us from the wolves out there and I am sad to say there is alot of bad values in our own people.And alot of broken hearts and feeling completely humiliated from our own people, when my first hubby did that too me I wanted to move! continuously every day someone asked me what happened and the people from his affair and her friends laughed at me and thought it was all my fault my family pitied me and yet wanted things to work. So to be truthful this whole situation was extremely humiliating for me and the fact that men now think all us women is a piece of meat I just wanted to crawl in a hole.
So I started to talk to people on the net joined fb and the sites out there are awful one conversation and they want to know if you have a cam and next thing you see all their business so I delete
Then I met my now hubby on...I forget the site now I think it was meet new people.. all the sites are gone now I think, anyway he had hit flirt button we started to chat, the first day I never took alot of time with him cause I was exhausted by this point of web cams and the idiots on the net and the ones I entailed in my own area but after 3 times of talking with him he didn't want to see any part of me but my personality.To me this is the best way to meet someone and a whole new experience like the old days get to know the person before you meet no sex to get in the way of it all and if you decide they are not your type you can end it, also there is alot of ways you can check up on them through the net to see if they are a good person too. 3 million friends and pics of their body hanging all out and dirty little remarks from others on their fb tells me alot lol GOOD BYE!
Anyway after 5 months I went to meet him and met his family visited a friend I had there and engaged, then 6 months later I went back and we married, and one year later I went back to celebrate our one year anniverserary, WE talk almost daily sometimes only 4 days online cause of the time difference and in between on the phone.I Have met most of his family the rest live in another country,he doesn't ask me for any money and when we are together in his country he pays for everything for us I just use my money to buy things for my friends and family and some of the site seeing. I am closer with this man than I ever was with my first hubby, we talk about everything,our religions, cultures, families,politics and what we expect of each other all things I should have done the first time around.The benefit of online and a long distance relationship is all you have until you meet again is time to talk talk talk.When you meet someone here the lust takes over the relationship and important questions don't get asked.
On to another point I know two persons in my community who immigrated their hubbies here. One from morrocco and the other from India.
The woman who married the morroccon met him online he is 20 years younger 6 months after meeting him online she went to morroco for 3 months over our xmas holiday left her kids with her mom and never told her how long she was staying and came back applied for him to come here and 17 months total from the day she spoke to him online he was in canada. Before he come here she thought she might cancel the marriage because she didnt want to work and wanted to go back on welfare, this woman was known as the town bicycle her oldest kid is 18 and has two kids and is on welfare living with her. when her new hubby came i beleive he loved her by his actions but he is cooking and cleaning got a job right away and this kid is sitting on the couch and wont move.He left her and moved to the next building.she is on the net trying to meet others in other contries found one and sending him money through wertern union.she is on welfare by the way now and using our tax money to do this. she thinks because she married in morroco and vital statistics here has no record of her married she can move on to the next one.Her friend married in morroco she after some time decided he was no good and just wanted to get to canada but she allowed him to send her the fees for immigration and spent the money and told him see ya lol
We dont hear theese stories on tv or from others how OUR own people hurt innocent men from a foreign country.
And the lady I know who married the man from India he has two kids she married him after one trip there and immigration refused them on belief of not a genuine relationship and they fought with immigration lawyer and one and after 3 years he got here and its 3 years later they bought a home and are very happy together.
So my point is this I as well as others have been waiting too long for our spouses and we all know there is bad people but in EVERY COUNTRY and if we are lucky to find true love and happiness yahoooooo and I'm one of them and not everyone is bad and CIC has no right to decide who is scammers or not they need to concentrate on security BUT this new law is awesome and CIC ,our country needs to be responsible for the persons who do come here for PR only! They need to boot them back and no one needs welfare past a few months there is so many jobs out there and boarding houses.If our govt cracks down on persons that are already in our country and sends them back we wouldnt have problems with the marriage loop hole. But again if any of us make bad decisions we need to suck it up and move on but I'm am sure some one looking at photos and and a stack of papers along with one 2 hour interview can ever know the person truely and my stories prove that, we have to give us some credit for the relationship Ihave known my hubby now for 3 and half years If I don't know him by now no one will know him.
May we all be blessed with our spouses soon and Have a Happy life together