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March - April PNP PR Batch :)


Star Member
Jun 10, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
30-January-2014 (AINP Approval)
IELTS Request
No IELTS Required
Med's Request
Med's Done....
12-June-2014 (Med. have been Received Update)
Passport Req..
Waiting (DM on February-02-2015)
Defiantly Yes, If it is required in your application, I sent all required Documents together with my application, did not wait for their request, Finger screening was not requirement of my application though,


Star Member
Jun 18, 2014
Job Offer........
Crap. I sent the clearance from my old country only, not from Canada.

Hopefully they'll skip it :)


Hero Member
Jun 15, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
IELTS Request
Fingerprints are not requested for all applicants. It is requested very rarely


May 23, 2014
SpoonRaccoon said:
Crazy! my timeline is almost the same as yours!
as of July 29 2014, this is my timeline:

10/29/2013 Sent application to AINP
1/24/2014 I get the nomination from AINP
3/12/2014 I sent the application to Syndney
3/18/2014 Application Received by CIC
4/16/2014 AOR Medical requested
5/9/2014 Medical done
5/30/2014 RPRF requested
5/30/2014 Police certificate requested (PCC)
6/18/2014 I get married
7/08/2014 PCC, RPRF, and spouse application(added as dependent) sent to visa office
7/18/2014 Spouse application received at visa office
7/24/2014 Medical request for wife
8/12/2014 Spouse's medical appointment
Hi SpoonRaccon,

quick question for you. I am also planning on adding my wife's application to mine as I am about to get married. Just wanted to know if you sent her documents to Sydney office or Ottawa? And how do you know which office should we send wife's docs. Would appreciate if you could take me through the process. Thanks

P.S: I also applied on AINP.


Hero Member
Jul 26, 2014
Job Offer........
agpkn said:
Hi SpoonRaccon,

quick question for you. I am also planning on adding my wife's application to mine as I am about to get married. Just wanted to know if you sent her documents to Sydney office or Ottawa? And how do you know which office should we send wife's docs. Would appreciate if you could take me through the process. Thanks

P.S: I also applied on AINP.
Hello agpkn,

After you get married, you need to send a form to AINP by fax. The form is "Request to Add or Remove Family Member(s)"
you need to include your marriage certificate translated into English, if it's not in English.
I don't have a fax so I had to use an online one. I personally used this one faxzero and that was because it tells you whether or not the fax was received.
You won't get a confirmation from them. After 2 weeks I was worried and I contacted them and they said they got it but they didn't confirm it or give me any AOR.

Then I sent this to CIC:

My Spouse's Documents

  • IMM 0008DEP (Additional Dependants/Declaration)
  • IMM 5406 (Additional Family Information)
  • IMM 5669 (Schedule A – Background/Declaration)
  • Fees paid for my spouse (Receipt is included in Documents - $550 for application, $490 for RPRF)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Passport
  • Original Police Clearance Certificate from Ukraine(she's from Ukraine)
  • 6 photos (5 having Date of Birth and name of the person on the Back)
  • Copy of Marriage Certificate(translated from Spanish into English)

My Updated Documents:

  • IMM 0008 (Generic Application Form for Canada)
  • IMM 5406 (Additional Family Information)
  • IMM 5562 (Supplementary Information - Your travels)

I went to Cancun to get married that's why I had to update the form IMM 5562. You can also submit her medical up front.
After this, they sent me the medical request for my wife.

I'm not sure how this works but my friend that is from Bangladesh and living in Canada went back to Bangladesh to get married. After he submitted these documents, his marriage was flag as MOC "Marriage Of Convenience." They sent him a questionnaire and he has to prove that his marriage is legit. I'm not sure if it depends on your country, situation, or what but I didn't get that questionnaire. Maybe I'll get it in a later time... I'm not sure about this part.

Anyway, if your application is IP (In Process) then your application is in Ottawa. If not, then it's in Sydney. Let's say you send your application today to Sydney and tomorrow your application is IP(meaning it's in Ottawa already), then they will forward your documents to Ottawa.


Hero Member
Jun 15, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
IELTS Request
Very detailed reply, will help a lot of people



May 23, 2014
Hey SpoonRaccoon,

Thanks a lot for such a detailed reply. hime is right, this will indeed help a lot of people like me. It has almost answered all my questions regarding this whole process, the docs to attach etc.

While reading your reply, I noticed something and would appreciate if you can clarify it.

1-You said you filled IMM0008DEP for your spouse. My understanding (derived from the IMM5690-provincial nominee checklist) is that the IMM0008DEP is filled only by the principal applicant in cases when he/she has more than five dependents. I don't know about your case but in my case I don't think I will have to fill this as I only will have my spouse as the one dependent on me.

2- Do we need to attach the filled checklist (including those self addressed mailing labels etc) for wife's application as well?

3- This one might sound weird but I was told by a friend that we should add in a few pics of the wedding ceremony just to show that its not a marriage of convenience and stuff. I don't see anywhere in the docs where its mentioned that we should add such photos. Just wondering if it would be a good idea to add them or send it when they ask for proof?



Hero Member
Jul 26, 2014
Job Offer........
agpkn said:
Hey SpoonRaccoon,

Thanks a lot for such a detailed reply. hime is right, this will indeed help a lot of people like me. It has almost answered all my questions regarding this whole process, the docs to attach etc.

While reading your reply, I noticed something and would appreciate if you can clarify it.

1-You said you filled IMM0008DEP for your spouse. My understanding (derived from the IMM5690-provincial nominee checklist) is that the IMM0008DEP is filled only by the principal applicant in cases when he/she has more than five dependents. I don't know about your case but in my case I don't think I will have to fill this as I only will have my spouse as the one dependent on me.

2- Do we need to attach the filled checklist (including those self addressed mailing labels etc) for wife's application as well?

3- This one might sound weird but I was told by a friend that we should add in a few pics of the wedding ceremony just to show that its not a marriage of convenience and stuff. I don't see anywhere in the docs where its mentioned that we should add such photos. Just wondering if it would be a good idea to add them or send it when they ask for proof?


Hello again agpkn,

Let me try to answer your questions the best I can.

Question 1:
My wife is my only dependent and I wasn't aware that you needed at least 5 dependents to fill that form. The information about the forms I mentioned that you need to fill came from an email that CIC sent. In the email, they mentioned that the form IMM 5562 (Supplementary Information - Your travels) needed to be submitted in case there were changes. As such, making it optional. However, they didn't mentioned that the form IMM 0008DEP (Additional Dependants/Declaration) was optional in case you have more than 5 dependents. So there might be 2 possible reasons for this.
1. There might be a contradiction(doubt it) or an error(most likely) and the case processing agent forgot to mention that you need to fill that form in case you have more than 5 dependents.
2. The process of updating your documents does require this form.
So, let's assume both cases.
Case 1: the form isn't needed
If this is the case, CIC won't send you back anything saying that your application had an extra form. The form will be most likely discarded. I sent this form having only one dependent and they didn't say anything about it. In fact, they requested the medicals for my wife.
Case 2: the form is needed
In this case, if you don't send the form, they will ask you to submit this form causing a potential delay to your application.

Question 2:
Other than the forms, I attached a cover letter stating my full name, address, date of birth, UCI number, and application number. I mentioned that I had gotten married and wanted to include my wife in my application. I also listed the documented included in the package. No checklists or labels.

Questions 3:
You only need to send pictures if they flag your marriage. I am not sure under what grounds they flag applications as "possible MOC." As I've mentioned before, my friend from Bangladesh married his wife in Bangladesh and she is also from there. Yet, his marriage was flag as "possible MOC." I am from Mexico and my wife from Ukraine and they didn't flag my marriage... at least, not yet. I am not sure about the criteria they use for this. However, if your marriage does get flagged as "possible MOC" they will send you a questionnaire that you need to fill. In this questionnaire, they ask you for detailed information and pictures about your wedding, receptions, honeymoon, and other information. There are threads here where people share their experience about this questionnaire. They all send 100+ pictures and 100+ pages of skype/viber/whatsapp conversations.
FYI my friend sent ~350 pictures and phone card receipts totalling ~$400 (his wife doesn't have internet at home so he used phone cards to call her).
So answering your question, you don't have to send any proof unless they ask you to. If they do ask you to send proof, be prepare to send a large amount of proof.

I hope this helps!


Hero Member
Oct 8, 2013
Yellowknife, NT, CA
Visa Office......
CIO - Sydeny
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
28 September, 2016
AOR Received.
28 December, 2016
Med's Request
Upfront done on 3 October, 2017
Med's Done....
Upfront done on 3 October, 2017
Passport Req..
Already in Canada
Hey guys theres a new update one guy from feb application got IN PROCESS on 30 july his application was received by cic on 3 feb. It means we can take it into consideration that august is for feb applicants, september for march, october for april


May 23, 2014
SpoonRaccoon said:
Hello again agpkn,

Let me try to answer your questions the best I can.

Question 1:
My wife is my only dependent and I wasn't aware that you needed at least 5 dependents to fill that form. The information about the forms I mentioned that you need to fill came from an email that CIC sent. In the email, they mentioned that the form IMM 5562 (Supplementary Information - Your travels) needed to be submitted in case there were changes. As such, making it optional. However, they didn't mentioned that the form IMM 0008DEP (Additional Dependants/Declaration) was optional in case you have more than 5 dependents. So there might be 2 possible reasons for this.
1. There might be a contradiction(doubt it) or an error(most likely) and the case processing agent forgot to mention that you need to fill that form in case you have more than 5 dependents.
2. The process of updating your documents does require this form.
So, let's assume both cases.
Case 1: the form isn't needed
If this is the case, CIC won't send you back anything saying that your application had an extra form. The form will be most likely discarded. I sent this form having only one dependent and they didn't say anything about it. In fact, they requested the medicals for my wife.
Case 2: the form is needed
In this case, if you don't send the form, they will ask you to submit this form causing a potential delay to your application.

Question 2:
Other than the forms, I attached a cover letter stating my full name, address, date of birth, UCI number, and application number. I mentioned that I had gotten married and wanted to include my wife in my application. I also listed the documented included in the package. No checklists or labels.

Questions 3:
You only need to send pictures if they flag your marriage. I am not sure under what grounds they flag applications as "possible MOC." As I've mentioned before, my friend from Bangladesh married his wife in Bangladesh and she is also from there. Yet, his marriage was flag as "possible MOC." I am from Mexico and my wife from Ukraine and they didn't flag my marriage... at least, not yet. I am not sure about the criteria they use for this. However, if your marriage does get flagged as "possible MOC" they will send you a questionnaire that you need to fill. In this questionnaire, they ask you for detailed information and pictures about your wedding, receptions, honeymoon, and other information. There are threads here where people share their experience about this questionnaire. They all send 100+ pictures and 100+ pages of skype/viber/whatsapp conversations.
FYI my friend sent ~350 pictures and phone card receipts totalling ~$400 (his wife doesn't have internet at home so he used phone cards to call her).
So answering your question, you don't have to send any proof unless they ask you to. If they do ask you to send proof, be prepare to send a large amount of proof.

I hope this helps!
Thanks a lot SpoonRaccoon for the information. Really appreciate you help.



Star Member
Jun 18, 2014
Job Offer........
Surrey100 said:
Hey guys theres a new update one guy from feb application got IN PROCESS on 30 july his application was received by cic on 3 feb. It means we can take it into consideration that august is for feb applicants, september for march, october for april


Jul 24, 2013
Hi ,
I stumbled across this thread and i have a question.i have applied to cic and got med request on 06-02-14 and did medical on 07-08-14 and and I got med received on let's say two weeks back be coz it don't know the exact date ,now they didn't ask for RPRF yet so I read few thread that if you don't pay it upfront it delay the process for 8 weeks now if I want can I pay before CIO ask me or should I wait until asked? Again it's a PNP stream .if I can pay how to do it and do I need to send receipt to anyone ? please share your ideas I would really really appreciate it.
And I applied to CIC on April so I am somewhat close to all your timeline.


Star Member
May 27, 2014
Hi, I have a question about medicals - I did them on June 13th and they were sent to CIC on June 26th, but ECAS still does not show medicals received, only application received. I anyone else in the same boat? I've seen some profiles where "medicals received" appeared on ECAS about two months after taking medicals, but I don't understand why it takes so long. The clinic I went to is in Toronto, they send data over electronically.


Hero Member
Jul 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Sydeny, NS
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
hawkua said:
Hi, I have a question about medicals - I did them on June 13th and they were sent to CIC on June 26th, but ECAS still does not show medicals received, only application received. I anyone else in the same boat? I've seen some profiles where "medicals received" appeared on ECAS about two months after taking medicals, but I don't understand why it takes so long. The clinic I went to is in Toronto, they send data over electronically.
it takes time as you already mention and if we ever knew why it takes such a long time, we wouldn't be talking in this forum...


Jul 24, 2013

Could you kindly click on application received notification ? It's was there for me.Even I didn't see in the begginning.