I work for the Fed Gov tooI. IMO, I can absolutely said that immigration is not “essential” in the government’s eyes at the moment, with the acception of temporary foreign workers. The Gov’s effort is to bring all Canadians back to Canada, unfortunately our spouses are not Canadian or PR yet.
Government infrastructures are outdated already, they do not have the capacity, equipment or training to enable all or even half of the PWGS employees to work from home. Some departments (supervisor level and above) are allocated 1-2h time frames within their networks (DVPNI) per day to work from home, this is to manage traffic and overload on the networks. A lot of Fed Gov docs are “Protracted B” which require special printers, procedures and equipment. If not for anything, it will be super hard for some fed gov agencies to work form home due to security implications form working form home (un-secure establishment/equipment).
I miss my spouse just as much as you guys. But just think, even if they came here now....no jobs, health care system in overdrive, unstable economy. Do you really think Canada what’s to take on theunnesserary burden at this unprecedented time? And to make things worse, we cannot visit our spouse either.
DO YOUR PART: Stay safe, stay home and protect your neighbour.