We got COPR today! Unfortunately they mailed it to my husband in Quebec, so he is having to send it to me in the US!
our time line is as follows:
Medical: March 07, 2016 (Upfront)
App. Delivered: March 16,2016
AOR: April 13, 2016
SA: April 19, 2016
"In-Process": April 20, 2016
AOR 2: April 22, 2016
CSQ Request: April 25, 2016
Sent CSQ (first time): May 27, 2016 (via e-mail)
Sent CSQ (second time): July 22, 2016 (via e-mail and case specific inquiry)
( long story short, they apparently didn't receive it the first time.)
Decision Made: August 12, 2016
COPR received: August 16, 2016
( but mailed to my husband in Quebec and not to me in the US, so he has to mail it to me)
Now to finish packing everything and figure out how to get it all there! AHHH!!
I hope the rest of the March applicants will be getting DM soon!! <3