Hello Guys,
Here is my test/interview experience,
Regarding my test preparation:
- I read the Discover Canada book thoroughly two times.
- I burned the Discover Canada Audio book on a couple of CDs and played them whenever I was in the car, for two weeks.
- I practised on-line tests from the following sources
- <a href="http://www.citizenshipsupport.ca">Citizenship Support</a>, excellent website worth the money, lots and lots of questions.
- <a href="http://www.citizenshipcounts.ca">Citizenship Counts</a>, not a bad source for covering the basics.
- <a href="http://www.v-soul.com/onlinetest/">v-soul</a>, covers the basics.
- <a href="http://www.yourlibrary.ca/citizenship/">Your library Citizenship test</a>, covers the basics.
after all the test was dirt simple, finished the test in a few minutes and I was the first one to be called for interview.
During the interview the Citizenship Officer was cheerful, which put me at ease. She asked for my identity documents (Driver Licence and health Card), and my PR card---she did not ask for my landing paper. Then she confirmed my current address and job, she made sure they matched what was listed on the application. After that she asked for my passports/travel documents and she checked every stamp on it, be sure to bring English (or French) translation for any none English (or French) stamps. Finally, she said everything is fine, and that I am good to go. I did not time it, but I doubt the interview lasted more than 3 minutes---I did not have a lot of stamps.
One more thing during the interview she asked me to sign Form CIT 0039, she said it is a "new form". I don't remember the details but it was more or less a declaration that I did not do anything the would otherwise prohibit me from obtaining Canadian Citizenship.
I hope that was helpful,