Hey guys. So I did send an enquiry email about the location of our interview and it took 2 nerve wracking weeks for them to reply and this is what they said:
Thank you for confirming your spouse’s attendance to the scheduled interview.
Mr. Xxxx has been invited to attend an interview in El Salvador, as there is no date designated for an area trip to Costa Rica, therefore the location cannot be changed.
Be informed that if he does not attend this interview, his application will be assessed based on the evidence currently available on file and this may result in the refusal of his application."
So yesterday I booked flights and hotels. Omg so much money.
I do have another question though... The PDF letter gives a gigantic list of everything they want us to bring with us and 2 things are of concern to me.
1. They openly state that we are to bring ALL correspondence. Every letter in its original envelope, printouts of every email, chat conversations, etc.
when sending in the application I kind of Drew the line at this stuff, I thought that it's good enough that they can see how often and how long we talk they don't need to see what we talk about as well. But...our only form of correspondence other than phone calls/Skype is facebook chat, and I've gone through a bunch of it and there's not really a lot of private stuff so I think I'm going to give it to them. I am having serious problems trying to print it out though, when I try to copy and paste it into a word document the formatting gets all wonky and it would literally take me hours and hours to fix it all.
Can anyone who did print out their facebook chat, tell me what the easiest way to do it was? Did you clean up the formatting or just send it in as is and let them deal with it?
2. They want photocopies of every page of my passport including previous passports. I threw away my old passport like 4 years ago when I got the new one. Is this going to be a problem?
Thanks in advance. And congratulations to everyone who has made it to Canada already. Hoping that having the interview now means I can bring my hubby home this summer.