Holy sh*t. That makes me so nervous. My husband who I'm sponsoring is 13 years older than me. I have wedding, reception, honeymoon pics as well as pics of us while we were dating and pics of when we were living together after the wedding. My proof of travel to visit and when I went down there to live. Skype communication records. Records of financial assistance. A copy of the speech I made at the wedding (it was good, ppl cried). Letters of support from my grandparents and my mom. I wrote a letter directly addressing the age difference, explaining why I went for someone so much older and why it works. Also I'm pregnant and due in July so I'm hoping that that works in our favor.
I guess in the end if you get a jerk processing your file, or even just someone having a bad day, you can't control that. If you get denied you just have to appeal.