Hi, I've received my 2nd GCMS note finally along with an apology letter (I'm so happy they were descent enough to let me know they screwed up this time

I'd like to share some updates
First of all, I think I said it wrong when I second 'Second' Review. here is why
-Created date: November of 2014 ->
APPLICATION : E********* REGULATION: CEC-2013 I have analyzed this application based upon the document submitted by the application and the information contained i the file and make he following recommendation. FOSS/GCMS check: - No adverse info. Principal applicant currently hold valid status in Canada. CIVIL STATUS: -PA never married - NO Spouse or Common Law declared - PA Copy of passport on File: Yes. WORK EXPERIENCE: CEC qualifying period is: **MAR2011 TO **MAR2014 Dates of authorized work experience - within 'Qualifying Period' - in a skill level 0, A or B occupation: 14JUL2011 TO 08MAY2015 Category of work permit: PGWP Post-seconday studies in Canada: University According to schedule 9: Work Experience 1: ********* TO ********* (54 weeks), NOC: 2175 selected, Full time WEB DEVELOPER with ********** ENT. INC. Employment letter(s) dated 24MAR2014 confirm(s) date(s) of employment, position title and a salary of $ **.*K per year. A NOA from 2013 show(s) reported earnings of $**.*K. Online search conducted
LANGUAGE: CELPIP submitted- Applicant meets benchmarks for work experience at this skill level: A.
CRIMINALITY: PA: - RCMP Screening: No reportable trace. - Police Cerificates: -Korea, Republic of (South Korea): No reportable trace. All required PCs received and there seems to be no A36 concerns evident.
So i think I'm due for just a review. Not second review.
Also anybody who did GCMS notes before, ever noticed this under fee section?
Created By: ******
Updated Date: 2014/06/14 08:42:08
Updated By: CONV_ADMIN
Payment #:
Amount Required (CAD): 490
Amount Paid: 0
Code Updated Date:
Code Updated By:
Assigned To: RC-6262
Assigned By: ******
Due Date:
Refund Authorized By:
Receipt #:
Receipt Date:
The thing is that I haven't been instructed to pay RPRF fee yet. but it say Due date was 2014/04/25.
This seems very alarming but I will contact them to see what is going on. but if any of you who can address this
I will appriciate.
Also according to GCMS note Medical is passed

, however no update, no notification
have a nice day