The percentage bar is based on the 12 month timeframe for completion (or whatever they say is the estimated completion time for your type of application). It goes up automatically as the time passes (for example, after 6 months it will say 50%, etc.). Therefore, it isn't related to the actual processing that is going on on your application. It's basically there to make us "feel" like it's progressing. When you read others on the forum say their application is "stuck" they are probably referring to estimates made by studying the spreadsheets. When you look at applicants from previous months on the spreadsheet you can start to see patterns of estimated timelines for different stages (for example AOR usually happens within 50-60 days after receipt of application). What most are finding right now, is that these average times are far exceeding previous months, and that's why you keep seeing them say it seems "stuck". For example, medical requests usually come around day 100-130 and those of us who applied in November are at near 175-200 days and still haven't received requests yet.