Its a little bit off topic but i thought id also ask some opinions about a specific sort of lifestyle (i have in mind) and how and if it will turn out if i put it to practice in Canada after moving.
I am thinking to play a little cool for couple months and just soak in different places, perhaps stay somewhere for a couple of months then move on to a different city (most major cities). Having been in the industry i am in for about 7 years now, i feel like experiencing a change and going for a simpler part time kind of job that allows more time for exploration and in which work naturally involves interacting with more people. So this removes the notion of going only to places where certain types of jobs are available.
Since i have never done anything but what i do for a living now (Healthcare software solutions) since college, its veering a bit into 'the unknown' for me.
Have you guys any thoughts about this, that if one can afford a modest but decent place to live in and pay day to day expenses (basic needs etc) in most of the cities, given the minimum wages and the cost of living while on a job that doesn't eat up all your day ? (I can guess a little bit about doing this here, but not sure if it will be the same in Canada)