For my 2nd lesson in the tagalog language,,,,PRONOUNCIATION OF THE LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET
this lesson will be TUTORIAL style, all you need is to call the Visa Application Center (VAC) Here they will lead you through your way of your TRV,,,,,,they will pronounce each letter of your name and all associated requirements in your application for a small fee of 35pesos/min :-\ :-\ :-\ All the while your on the line they know your application will be denied,,,,,what was your name again M-A-R-G-A-R-E-T : -X I learned a lot from this lesson, all i wanted was them to pick up the application,,,,my final assignment was to pronounce my passport identification# 8) 8) oh boy,,,,left that back at the boarding house,,,,she said sorry,,,,call back later,,,,,you will have to start at the begnning of the class though :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( ,,,total price as she hung up 3000pesos. PRICELESS
so we shipped it ourself, paid 120 pesos,,,,,,,a few weeks later had all contents returned with the final grade FAILED/DENIED
The final call was less than the 3000pesos,,,,,, but we had made several calls buying limited amounts of load for our cellphone 100, 200, 500,,,,,,,each time she started from the beginning,,,,,,,finally we went to a phone center where we could pay after the finish of the call,,,,Just wait now for my 3rd lesson COMING SOON :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*